I am now at the University of Birmingham, where I am funded by a University Fellowship.
This is my old page at the University of Bristol, soon to be updated.
I am interested in large and abrupt climate changes in the past and future. I aim to test Earth System models
against past events to improve understanding of feedbacks in the climate system.
Recent research spans topics including vegetation dynamics, the global methane cycle, aerosols and volcanic eruptions.
I am also interested in the application of Bayesian inference to environmental problems, a focus of my PhD thesis. For more details of my work please see publications. Many research outputs are available for further analysis on the downloads page.
February 2019: New paper on ice-age abrupt climate events: here. February 2017: Our paper on the ice-age methane cycle has just been published in Nature Communications: pdf Cabot Institute research summary. November 2016: A feasibility study on using past rainfall changes to constrain model uncertainty has been funded by the EPSRC Past Earth Network.