Key Findings
Evidence was collated from all DSDP, IODP and ODP Initial Results volumes containing sediments deposited ~ 65 - 45 Ma to assemble a database of continental-slope failures across the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM).
A peak in mass movement was observed ~ 55 Mya, concurrent with a negative spike in d18O of benthic foraminifera and a CIE at ODP Site 865 (assumed to represent a global and rapid increase in ocean bottom waters and the oceanic/atmospheric methane pulse, respectively). Analysis of data from BRIDGE-run simulations, of benthic d18O and eustatic sea level curves suggests that temperature and pressure conditions at the seafloor were conducive to thermal dissociation of clathrates, causing methane to be released to the oceans and atmosphere.
The results of the investigation support the postulation that continental-slope failure, the climate optimum and the methane pulse observed during the PETM are causally linked through submarine methane hydrate dissociation. However, it is unclear whether mass movement pre-dated, coincided with or post-dated the surmised destabilisation of marine clathrates due to dating inaccuracies and associated low temporal resolution. Also, the focus of coring expeditions hitherto has hindered the assemblage of a representative database of mass movement events and it seems likely that much evidence has been permanently obliterated by the processes of subduction and erosion.
Fig. Schematic of the Bouma Sequence, which, when recorded in a
lithological sequence, evidences palaeo mass movement events. |
Although it remains unknown whether submarine slope failure was a cause or consequence (or both) of clathrate dissociation, it is evident that the system presents a severe threat to society - particularly the coastal regions of Europe, North America and North Asia - considering potential future climate change.
Continuing the Work
Future work will use complimentary methodologies to extend this database of continental slope failure during the PETM. In this way, research into the causes and consequences of the PETM is expected to move further away from unsubstantiated speculation, providing a more solid foundation for our understanding of the causal mechanisms underlying and the processes triggered by the PETM.
Project advisor:
- Dr. Rachel Flecker: Senior Lecturer, School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol