This is a collection of climate related plots for the various experiments.
NOTE. obslw is the observed present day data from Legates and Willmott. It
is available for temperature and precipitation only. The precipitation is
gauge-corrected. It should also be added that the Legates and Willmott data
is not especially reliable over ocean, and so an alternative has been
added which masks out the ocean. This is called obsln.
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Welcome to the web portal of the BRIDGE Earth System Modelling results
server. This web page gives you access to a large range of simulations
produced by members of the BRIDGE group. You are welcome to browse them
and enjoy the many results. However they contain relatively limited details about
the precise setup for each simulation so please contact us if you want to
use the simulations further. We welcome such usage (and there are already published papers based purely on the contents of these pages) but it is
important that you check with us first, so that we can check whether the
simulation is appropriate for the use you wish to make of it.
If you have visited this page before, the following is a short cut to the
different parts. If this is your first visit, please read the rest of this introductory page first.
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Model Simulations
The following pages were developed and are maintained as an extra to existing research work. We currently do not have any financial support for these pages, and so we cannot guarantee that all components are working. We simply do not have time. However, the basic idea was to present as many diagnostics from as many simulations as possible, and all in a standard format so that it is
easy to compare runs. For this reason, we have been careful to try and ensure that common contour intevals and colour schemes have been used. Since the runs include everything from the Last Glacial Maximum to warm Cretaceous, the contours/colours are not always optimum for a particular plot.
Many of the plots are only produced when you request them so they can sometimes
take a rather long time to appear. Therefore you probably do not want to
do a lot of work whilst using a modem. If you can, it is much better to view
these pages whilst connected to a permanent network connection. However,
once produced, the files are stored for at least two weeks so subsequent
access will be a lot quicker.
Some of the animations are quite large and so can also take a long time
to download.
The pages are best viewed with a fairly recent release of netscape
or microsoft explorer, and you should have a screen resolution of
at least 800x600. The vast majority of plots are colour so you may
spend alot of money on ink if you want hardcopy. Options for output are:
Java Script | This is one of the best options and is the default for most pages.
For still images, this option give the same output as the GIF option.
For animations, this option allows you to control the speed and direction
of the animations but requires a java enabled web browser (true for all modern browsers).
The javascript is a hacked version of that
produced by Glenn Carver at Cambridge University. |
GIF | Lower quality output suitable for display or for powerpoint presentations.
The size of the gif file is normally 640x480 but options exist for making it smaller or larger (selecting these options will
generally slow things).
Animations can also be viewed but there is no control on speed.
Many packages exist which can print GIF files. |
PostScript | If you want higher quality output suitable for publication, then select the postscript
output. There are several choices, including standard postscript, encapsulated postscript, and encapsulated postscript with preview
(useful when including in a word file). These files cannot be used for animations. One of the best tools when using postscript files is
called ghostscript. |
Flick Files | These are the smallest format for animations, and hence will download the fastest. On the PC or Mac, Quicktime
from Apple is one of the easiest viewers for
this format. On unix, xanim will display the animations. Normally, your broswer will have to be specifically configured to recognise this type
of file. This option is of less value these days. |
The pages are password protected because many of the runs are very new and
are unpublished. There are currently a total of about 57353
simulations on the web pages but your username/password may limit you to
a certain sub-set. This is important because some simulations are
associated with industry-related research and are therefore not for public
dissemination. Other runs may be excluded just to keep the list shorter and
more focussed on your interests. Let PJV know if you are potentially interested
to see other periods.
Hadley Centre Earth System Model simulations performed by the BRIDGE group
You can access a list of recent simulations with the Hadley Centre model (the Unified Model, or UM)
as performed by member of BRIDGE by going to the "Table of Experiments" button.
You are strongly recommended that if you become interested in any particular
simulation, you should obtain from PJV a detailed description of the
model boundary conditions/setup.
Also, please do not publish any of the results without contacting PJV first.
The results are made available because I value others examining the
simulations (especially researchers who have
real data to compare with the models). Please do not abuse the trust I am showing in releasing the model results.
Finally if you see any errors please let me know. I will try and fix
them as soon as possible. Also, let me know if you are interested in a
specific output that is not listed. I can probably add them
Keep a careful watch on the following section.
This will keep you informed about changes in the web page and/or known bugs.
Hope you have some fun!
Bugs and "Features" of Current System
Known bugs are:
There are currently no known bugs.
HOWEVER, the system has just transferred to a new Linux based server and there are likely to be
a few small teething problems.
Please let me know if you find any problems with the pages.
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