Paper: Sagoo et al 2014

Title: Energy budgets and energy transfer in perturbed physics simulations of the present day and early Eocene

For a fuller description of the paper itself, go to the end of this web page.

Each simulation published in this paper corresponds to a unique 5 or 6 character code on the web pages.
The following table lists the name of the simulation as used in the paper, and the corresponding code name

The webpage gives you the ability to examine the published simulations, but you can also download the raw (netcdf) files to perform your own analysis. Detailed instructions on how to use the webpages and access the data can be found here: Using_BRIDGE_webpages.pdf

There are three main sets of simulations, for present day, E. Eocene and 2xCO2. In addition there are some Haney-forcing simulations with prescribed SST and full diagnostics.

You can have make you own analysis and plots by going here

Simulation Name as in PaperSimulation name on web pages
Pre-Ind 01tcruF
Pre-Ind 02tcrvT
Pre-Ind 03tcrvV
Pre-Ind 04tcruG
Pre-Ind 05tcruR
Pre-Ind 06tcrud
Pre-Ind 07tcruO
Pre-Ind 08tcruS
Pre-Ind 09tcrvL
Pre-Ind 10tcrvk
Pre-Ind 11tcrvX
Pre-Ind 12tcruv
Pre-Ind 13tcrur
Pre-Ind 14tcrun
Pre-Ind 15tcruz
E.Eoc. 01tcwiF
E.Eoc. 02tcwjT
E.Eoc. 03tcwjV
E.Eoc. 04tcwiG
E.Eoc. 05tcwiR
E.Eoc. 06tcwid
E.Eoc. 07tcwiO
E.Eoc. 08tcwiS
E.Eoc. 09tcwjL
E.Eoc. 10tcwjk
E.Eoc. 11tcwjX
E.Eoc. 12tcwiv
E.Eoc. 13tcwir
E.Eoc. 14tcwin
E.Eoc. 15tcwiz
2xCO2 01tcvuF
2xCO2 02tcvvT
2xCO2 03tcvvV
2xCO2 04tcvuG
2xCO2 05tcvuR
2xCO2 06tcvud
2xCO2 07tcvuO
2xCO2 08tcvuS
2xCO2 09tcvvL
2xCO2 10tcvvk
2xCO2 11tcvvX
2xCO2 12tcvuv
2xCO2 13tcvur
2xCO2 14tcvun
2xCO2 15tcvuz
Haney Warm SST - Control Paramstdefi
Haney Warm SST - Warm Paramstdefj
Haney Warm SST - Warm-High Grad Paramstdefk
Haney Warm SST - Control Warm-Low Grad Paramstdefl

This is a fuller description of paper

This paper analyses the reasons for warmth in a set of physics parameter perturbation simulations using FAMOUS

NameSagoo et al
Brief DescriptionThis paper analyses the reasons for warmth in a set of physics parameter perturbation simulations using FAMOUS
Full Author ListN. Sagoo, P. J. Valdes, and R. Flecker
TitleEnergy budgets and energy transfer in perturbed physics simulations of the present day and early Eocene
Contact's NameNav Sagoo