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Earth Systems Modelling Results

Bristol Research Initiative for the Dynamic Global Environment

with the

University of Reading, Open University, and the British Antarctic Survey.

List of existing simulations

Name of Experiment Set Brief Description Fuller Description
HadG HadGEM2-ES Historical r1 This is a CMIP5 HadGME2-ES historical run. This is ensemble r1i1p1.
cpli PMIP2 Simulations This contains all of the simulations as part of the PMIP2 project. It includes both the OA and OAV simulations, and includes both the original data and also regridded onto a standard (96x73) grid.
gsec GEOSECS Isotope Data This contains GEOSECS oxygen isotope data grouped on the same model levels as used in the Hadley Centre Ocean model. It includes all vertical levels but the data becomes very sparse at depth. Only annual means are available. The gsec dataset is the original raw data and the gsecuk is intepolated onto the Hadley Centre grid and with some missing data points filled in using a nearest neighbour extrapolation algorithm. However the spacity of the data does not justify excessive extrapolation.
gsh3 PMIP2 Simulations This contains all of the simulations as part of the PMIP2 project. It includes both the OA and OAV simulations, and includes both the original data and also regridded onto a standard (96x73) grid.
gsn2 PMIP2 Simulations This contains all of the simulations as part of the PMIP2 project and also the Pliocene Proto PMIP. It includes both the OA and OAV simulations, and includes both the original data and also regridded onto a standard (96x73) grid.
levi Levitus Ocean Obs This is a set of ocean observations using Levitus 94 data, reformatted and in some cases regridded onto UM grids.
obs4 Observations These observations are the those used to drive the BIOME4 model (a version of the Leermans and Cramer data. Only defined over land. This version was originally 0.5x0.5 degree, but has been interpolated onto the Hadley Centre FAMOUS model grid
obs7 Observations These observations are the those used to drive the BIOME4 model (a version of the Leemans and Cramer data. Only defined over land. This version is the raw 0.5x0.5 degree.
obs9 Observations These observations are the those used to drive the BIOME4 model (a version of the Leermans and Cramer data. Only defined over land. This version was originally 0.5x0.5 degree, but has been interpolated onto the Hadley Centre model grid
obse Observations A few present day observations compiled from the ERA15 data, on the original 320x160 grid and interpolated onto the Hadley Centre model grid
obsl Observations Legates and Willmott present day observations of surface temperature and precipitation, interpolated onto the Hadley Centre model grid
obsu Observations UEA Climate Research Unit data present day (1960-1990) observations of surface temperature and precipitation, interpolated onto the Hadley Centre model grid
pmip PMIP2 Simulations This contains all of the simulations as part of the PMIP2 project. It includes both the OA and OAV simulations, and includes both the original data and also regridded onto a standard (96x73) grid.
schm Schmidt Isotopes This contains Gavin Schmidts et al. surface oxygen isotope data at two different resolutions. The schm dataset is the original raw data and the schmuk is intepolated onto the Hadley Centre grid and with missing data points filled in using a nearest neighbour extrapolation algorithm. Only annual mean data is available.
tbnj New Maastrictian This is a set of new simulations using Maastrictian paleo geogs. These include the old version, but also a slightly improved ver%0D%0Asion that Paul Markwick recently provided. (This is part of the xbnj series)
tboe Readings FAMOUS ver on ORMEN FAMOUS new standard version from Reading (xcpsb), running on ORMEN machine
tbog STOCHEM Holocene simulations Continuation of the xbog experiment group. (Renaming due to switivhing UMUI to puma).
tbom Eocene with isotopes EOCENE with isotopes
tbow Modern sensitivity to CO2 This tests the modern sensitivity to CO2, and also contains the mirrors runs
tboy Improved Drakes Passage This is an improved Drakes passage simulation using better treatment of islands than original xboy series.
tboz Deep Future Simulations This is a suite of simulations looking at what the world is like in the long distance future when a new supercontinent has formed.
tbpc tbpc FAMOUS LGM (xbpc puma) FAMOUS LGM runs on ORMEN
tbpd PalaeoQUMP Hadley Centre Runs These are runs used to test reproducibility of HadCM3 on the QUEST cluster versus the Hadley Centre machines, and form the basis of the slab perturbed physics ensembles on the Quest cluster.
tbpe Volcanic Simulations This is a set of simulations which simulates a 100x Mt Pinatubo eruption
tbpg Tests of MOSES1 and MOSES2.1 Various miscellaneous tests of MOSES1 and MOSES2.1
tbpi Eocene more output This contains eocene simulations, with increased stash. Includes orbital experiments.
tbpo QUEST DEGLAC ACC Quest deglaciation accelerated runs.
tbpr Tibet simuls These experiments are primarily sensitivity studies to the configuration of the Tibetan Plateau
tbps Pliocene HPCx Pliocene Hpcx, including the Causes Of Pliocene Warmth work
tbpv HadCM3T_modern HadCM3 with dynamic mode TRIFFID present day, and agricultural crops, 2*CO2 (700ppm) and crop albedo plus 0.1
tcly New Pliocene SST simulations This is a set of jobs, repeating xaiu series on the new quest machine, and includes changing the ice sheets based on modelling work
tclz tclz FAMOUS deglaciation test FAMOUS deglaciation trnsient accelerated runs (icesheet size only)
tcma New test jobs These were tests used as part of a tutorial
tcmd My First Experiment A few tests as part of the UM tutorial sessions.
tcme Tutorial_FAMOUS This experiment is part of a tutorial on running FAMOUS
tcmf Set of Simulations for the BBC These are a set of simulations, using the Peltier 122-0kyrBP dataset, standard orbital parameters, and RAGS using the new EDC3 timescale covering the timsecale from 80kyr BP to 40kyrBP.
tcmg tcmg FAMOUS deglaciation FAMOUS deglaciation trnsient accelerated runs (ice sheet size, orbital and ghg)
tcmh Continuation of BBC Experiment This is a continuation of the set of experiments from 80kyr to 40kyr BP run for the BBC
tcmi FMS453 QST BTL 0K FAMOUS ver 4.5.3 for QUEST Bristol 00.0K run. Reading standard job xcpsb with Bristol ancillary files.
tcmj Further Quaternary Cycle These are a further set of simulations to look at the glacial interglacial cycle
tcml Blue Crystal Tests for BBC This is a set of tests of the bluecrystal cluster, using jobs for the BBC set of simulations. The first test is for the pre-industrial control using HadCM3-MOSES1. Others are not quite tests, since they play around with small changes in bathymetry for older time periods
tcmo BBC Runs with Ice This is a sequence of simulations as part of BBC runs with full ice sheets (based on original Peltier)
tcmr New Set of PMIP2 Tests This is a set of simulations trying to get our version of the model to reproduce what was produced by Michel as part of the PMIP2 project.
tcms FAMOUS Tuning test 1 This experiment contains an ensemble of 6 runs, 1 control run %2B 5 runs where the values of 8 parameters are modified using a latin hypercube sampling.
tcmt FAMOUS ocean diffusion tests Tests on ocean diffusion parameters, to find to lowest value to use for the tuning of FAMOUS.
tcmu FAMOUS tuning control These experiments are test on different machine for the control experiments of FAMOUS tuning
tcmv perturbation runs tcmv is an experiment that contains 20 runs where one parameter from the ocean or the atmosphere is perturbed at a time to its minimum or maximum value. The values are from Murphy et al. 2004 or from previous experimentation.
tcmy LGM perturbations FAMOUS This experiments are perturbation runs for LGM boundary conditions. Part of the tuning of FAMOUS.
tcnc High Resolution Simulations This is a new set of simulations using the 288x217 resolution model.
tcnd FAMOUS deglaciation plus melt FAMOUS deglaciation plus meltwater pulses experiment. Accelerated runs (X10) on ORMEN
tcne New Eocene Sensitivty Tests Starting from a spunup 6xCO2 Eocene, this set of simulations investigate various simulations.
tcnf FAMOUS_degla_acc_ice only FAMOUS accelerated deglaciation (21k-9k) experiment. Only land-sea mask and ice sheet extent are varying.
tcng FAMOUS_deglac_acc_ice_orbit FAMOUS accelerated deglaciation (21-9k) experiment. Land-sea mask, ice sheet extent and orbital parameters are varying.
tcnh FAMOUS_deglac_acc_ice_ghg FAMOUS accelerated deglaciation (21-9k) experiment. Land-sea mask, ice sheet extent and ghg concentration vary throught the experiment.
tcni ISOTOPE CONTROL Isotope control runs. Experiments used to get a definitive HadCM3 Moses 2.1 %2B 18o and 2H tracers
tcnl FAMOUS - full QUEST runs Years 0-6000 of the full (20000) year runs for the QUEST project
tcnm TRIFFID hosing expts HadCM3 TRIFFID hosing experiments under present day and LGM conditions.
tcnn New set of Crop Simulations This is a repeat of the key tbpv set of experiments with crops albedo but now including full output and experiments on canopy capacity
tcno Precip_modern experiment with precipitation parameters under modern day boundary conditions
tcnp Greenland experiments Greenland experiments
tcns FAMOUS 4.5.3 on QUEST FAMOUS 4.5.3 on QUEST (Ron)
tcnt FAMOUS deglaciation, anomaly FAMOUS deglaciation runs. Land-sea mask is constructed as an anomaly of ice-5g fields from the present-day FAMOUS 4.5.3. Outputs reduced BRIDGE STASH.
tcnu New Paleo Chemistry This is a suite of simulations for the Leverhulme project focussing on atmospheric chemistry in the pre-Quaternary.
tcnv FAMOUS deglac, ice-5g topog FAMOUS deglaciation experiment, with ice-5g topography and varying solar parameters, ghg concentrations and meltwater pulses.
tcoa FAMOUS deglac land-sea (anom) This experiment is superseded by tcol%0D%0AFAMOUS deglaciation experiment, 21.0k-9.0k, with only land-sea mask and ice sheet changing. Orbital parameters and ghg concentration are fixed at 21.0k values. Topography is in an anomaly mode. FAMOUS(pd) - (ice-5g(21.0k)-ice-5g(00.0k)).
tcob FAMOUS deglac ls, ice, orbit This experiment is superseded by tcom. FAMOUS deglaciation experiment, 21.0k-9.0k, with land-sea mask, ice sheet and Orbital parameters varying. Ghg concentration are fixed at 21.0k values. Topography is in an anomaly mode (FAMOUS(pd) - (ice-5g(21.0k)-ice-5g(00.0k)))
tcoc FAMOUS deglac. l-s, ice, ghg This experiment is superseded by tcon. FAMOUS deglaciation experiment, 21.0k-9.0k, with land-sea mask, ice sheet and Ghg concentration varying. Orbital parameters are fixed at 21.0k values. Topography is in an anomaly mode (FAMOUS(pd) - (ice-5g(21.0k)-ice-5g(00.0k)))
tcod FAMOUS deglac l-s, orbit, ghg FAMOUS deglaciation experiment, 21.0k-9.0k, with land-sea mask, ice sheet, Orbital parameters and Ghg concentration varying. Topography is in an anomaly mode (FAMOUS(pd) - (ice-5g(21.0k)-ice-5g(00.0k)))
tcof Pliocene on quest Pliocene on quest. Primarily for Earth Sytem Sensitivity runs, also Plio-MIP tests.
tcog FASMOUS deglac ice5g no melt FAMOUS deglaciation experiment, with ice-5g topography and varying solar parameters, ghg concentrations. No meltwater pulses.
tcoi Expreiment using HadISST Pre industrial constant C02 using HadISST sst and sea ice as input. Uses dec 1939 start dump file
tcoj FAMOUS early Eaocene FAMOUS early Eaocene
tcok FAMOUS orbital variation exp. FAMOUS with orbital variation. in accelerated mode (x10 and X100), and with different initial conditions (pre-ind and glacial)
tcol FAMOUS deglac land-sea (ice5g) FAMOUS deglaciation experiment, 21.0k-9.0k, with only land-sea mask and ice sheet changing. Orbital parameters and ghg concentration are fixed at 21.0k values. Topography and bathymetry are from ice-5g. UPDATE Apr. 2009%3A orbital param. ARE changing in tcol, therefore it is replaced by new expt tcsc
tcom FAMOUS deglac ls, ice, orbit FAMOUS deglaciation experiment, 21.0k-9.0k, with land-sea mask, ice sheet and Orbital parameters varying. Ghg concentration are fixed at 21.0k values. Topography is from ice-5g
tcon FAMOUS deglac. l-s, ice, ghg FAMOUS deglaciation experiment, 21.0k-9.0k, with land-sea mask, ice sheet and Ghg concentration varying. Orbital parameters are fixed at 21.0k values. Topography is from ice-5g. *UPDATE APR 2009%3A orbital param. ARE changing in tcon. see new expt%3A tcsd
tcoo FAMOUS - full QUEST runs FAMOUS - full QUEST runs.%0D%0ASecond 6000 years
tcop Previous Interglacials This is a set of simulations for previous interglacials
tcor Eemian Ice sheet tests This is a set of spin-off runs from the BBC simulations. They are for the Eemian and are investigating the effects of Greenland and Antarctica.
tcos New set of LAM runs This is a set of experiments for LAM simulations of Europe.
tcox Glacial Heinrich events HadCM3 continuation from BBC simulations with 1Sv hosing to simulate Heinrich events during the last glacial cycle
tcoz Miocene coupled This contains the control runs for sensitivity studies around the Miocene climate
tcpc HadCM3 MOSES1 control A set of experimetns designed to test our understanding of the HadCM3 MOSES1 control climate on various machines.
tcpj Pre indHadAM3H Potential Evap HadAM3H run on Bigblue with high res ancil files from TCNCY and with POTENTIAL EVAPORATION diagnostic
tcpm FAMOUS early Eocene FAMOUS early Eocene
tcpq FAMOUS Heinrich Event 1 Exp FAMOUS 18.0-17.0k. These are identical to tcnvh, but with different amount of meltwater flux. FAMOUS deglaciation, ice5g topog, ice-sheet, ghg, orbital and meltwater pulses
tcpv FAMOUS isotopes initial first test suite of isotopes in FAMOUS
tcpw PalaeoQUMP_slab PalaeoQUMP unperturbed slab experiments.
tcqh Std european LBC 1949-2007 Forced with Had Isst sst and sea ice, the experiment provide LBC%27s to the RCM at 50km resolution over Europe
tcqj HadAM3H CO2 HadAM3H simulations using different CO2 values, continued from coupled OA simulations
tcqm FAMOUS_longrun_00.0k_3 years 12000-18000 of the deglaciation runs with modern lsm and no FW forcing
tcqq HadAM3H Test Runs This is a new set of miscellaneous HadAM3H simulations
tcqr crop albedo under diff CO2 more crop albedo tests with modern, 2xco2 and 4xco2. Albedo of crops is increased by 0.04 relative to control
tcqt My First Experiment A few tests as part of the UM tutorial sessions.
tcqu Um test experiment This is a simulation run as a demonstrator example in a UM tutorial. It was run again during March 2011 after the Blue Crystal machine compilers were changed to test HadAM3. The simulation should be identical to TCQUA. The model setup is standard MOSES2.1 HadAM3 setup for pre-industrial trace gases and SST
tcqv Experiment for UM tutorial just testing how it works...
tcqw My first experiment Tests as part of UM tutorial seesion run by Paul March 2009
tcqx Test of bigblue A set of runs to test the performance of bigblue
tcqy Test of bigblue for HadAM3H These are timing and reproducability tests of HadAM3H on bigblue
tcqz Test of bigblue for HadAM3 This was used for testing the atmosphere version of HadCM3.
tcra Further tests of bigblue This is another test of bigblue, this time with lots of output.
tcrd Ensemble of H1 simulations This is an ensemble of simulations for Heinrich event 1
tcrf Ensemble of H2 simulations This is an ensemble of simulations for Heinrich event H2
tcrh Ensemble of H3 simulations This is an ensemble of simulations for Heinrich event 3
tcrj Ensemble of H4 simulations This is an ensemble of simulations for Heinrich event 4
tcrl Ensemble of H5 simulations This is an ensemble of simulations for Heinrich event 5
tcrn Ensemble of H6 simulations This is an ensemble of simulations for Heinrich event 6
tcrp FAMOUS LGM on bigblue This is a test of FAMOUS with LGM settings on bigblue. The aim will be to run an ensemble in due course.
tcrr HADISST_LAM_49onwards LAM over standard European domain. Experiment uses HadISST sst and Sea ice and is forced by LBC%27s from tcqhc. Wole run is from 1949-2007. larger stash than trcca
tcrt New present day FAMOUS ensembl This is a repeat of the original ensemble tuning by Lauren but using bigblue and better changes in RHCRIT
tcrx HadAM3h_preind HadAM3h, copied from TCQQA but using ancil files from TCNCY. This is a follow on from TCPJ but run on BigBlue not QUEST and includes 16 and 64 proccessor runs, damping/extradamping and different lake configurations.
tcsb LAM_EUROPE_HADISST Pre industrial HadISST forced Job 1950-2001. Ensemble of AGCMs used to force RCM over Europe to compare against tcsu ERA-40 forced runs.
tcsc FAMOUS deglac land-sea (ice5g) FAMOUS deglaciation experiment, 21.0k-9.0k, with only land-sea mask and ice sheet changing. Orbital parameters and ghg concentration are fixed at 21.0k values. Topography and bathymetry are from ice-5g. This exp. replaces tcol, where orbital params ARE changing.
tcsd FAMOUS deglac. l-s, ice, ghg FAMOUS deglaciation experiment, 21.0k-9.0k, with land-sea mask, ice sheet and Ghg concentration varying. Orbital parameters are fixed at 21.0k values. Topography is from ice-5g. This expt replaces tcon, where orbital params. ARE changing.
tcsi Eemian hosing experimet Hosing experiment for 130kyr with different GIS/WAIS ice-sheet configurations
tcsl FAMOUS full quest runs These are years 18000-22000 of the famous full quest runs.%0D%0A(2sweeps, new ice and standard present day lsm).
tcsp Mid-Pliocene orbits Aislings orbital sensitivity tests for the mid-Pliocene warm period.
tcsq Eocene More Eocene runs
tcsu Euro LAM LBCs from ERA-40 Experiment is an Ensemble of ERA-40 driven LAM experiments over Europe. sst and sea ice files come from HadISST.
tcsw Tests of clouds and sills This experiment consists of two subsets of experiments. One looks at the sensitivity of climate to cloud microphysics, the other looks at sills in the Atlantic in the Pliocene
tcsx PlioMIP These are the official PlioMIP runs
tcsy Benchmark HadCM3-MOSES1 This is where the benchmark experiments for HadcM3-MOSES1 reside. swsvalde is the umui holder.
tcsz Standard HadAM3 MOSES1 This is a standard BRIDGE setup for HadAM3 MOSES1. More information is on the wiki.
tctb DV 21ka Veg DV 21ka Veg HadAM3
tctf SWING runs SWING runs
tctg FAMOUS_deglac_solar_9k_0k This is a continuation of tcol. It is the deglaciation runs with changing bathymetry/LSM/ice and SOLAR. (GHG are as LGM and freshwater forcing is as present day)
tcti FAMOUS_deglac_GHGsolar_9k_0k This is a continuation of tcog. It is the deglaciation runs with changing bathymetry/LSM/ice GHG and SOLAR. (freshwater forcing is as present day)
tctl Arctic LAM sea ice exps 1 SEA ice experiments using HadISST and Joys ice and sst to investigate changes
tctm DEGLAC_all forcings 9k-0k This experiment follows on from tcnv. It is the FAMOUS deglaciation ice5g run 9k-0k with all forcings
tctn BBC orbit-only BBC related simulations with orbit only variations
tcto Miocene Sensitivity Studies These are the sensitivity studies
tctq LAM BC simulation Deglaciation This is a set of simulations based around the BBC runs. They are for the deglaciation period and are atmosphere only runs producing LAM boundary conditions for tctr experiment
tctr LAM Simulations Deglaciation This is a sequence of simulations using the European LAM through the deglaciation.
tctt FAMOUS deglac ls, ice, orbit This experiment replaces tcom. FAMOUS deglaciation, 21-9ka, with land -sea mask, ice sheet and orbital parameters varying. ghg concentrations are fixed at 21.0k values. topography is from ice5g
tctu Pre-ind HadAM3 BIOME 9 RC Pre-ind HadAM3 Iterative BIOME 9 RC
tctv DV 3ka HadAM3 4th BIOME RC 3ka HadAM3 Iterative 4th BIOME RC
tctw DV 6ka HadAM3 6th BIOME RC DV 6ka HadAM3 Iterative 6th BIOME RC
tctx DV 9ka HadAM3 9th BIOME 4 RC DV 9ka HadAM3 Iterative 9th BIOME 4 RC
tcty DV 12ka HadAM3 BIOME 4 RC DV 12ka HadAM3 Iterative BIOME 4 RC
tctz DV 6ka HadAM3 4th BIOME 4 RC DV 6ka HadAM3 Iterative 4th BIOME 4 RC
tcua DV 18ka HadAM3 4th BIOME 4 RC DV 18ka HadAM3 Iterative 4th BIOME 4 RC
tcub DV 21ka HadAM3 4th BIOME 4 RC DV 21ka HadAM3 Iterative 4th BIOME 4 RC
tcuc DV 24ka HadAM3 Dynamic Vegetation starting run 24ka HadAM3
tcum continued orbit-only BBC orbit-only variations
tcun HadAM3 GS vegswap 3rd BIOME HadAM3 GS vegetation inverted deserts/rain forests 3rd BIOME from tcunb
tcuz Standard HadCM3L MOSES1 This is a standard HadCM3L MOSES1 simulation
tcvd PalaeoQUMP_test Miscellaneous handedit runs.
tcvf BBC orbit-only Continuation of BBC orbit-only simulations
tcvh Arctic Sea Ice Present Day LAM Investigation of the Changes in sea ice on Arctic regional climate
tcvi LBC Generation for EA Lam This is a set of HadAM3 simulations generating the lateral boundary conditions for the regional model over East Asia
tcvj East Asian LAM BBC Series This is a sequence of simulations from the regional model based on the BBC runs. The LAM domain is for East Asia.
tcvl Davids Geoengineering Davids MSci geoengineering runs, looking at the effect of removing a mirror.
tcvm Experiments with ocean tracers This is part of a set of simulations, working with Ruza, to investigate the interaction between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.
tcvn Svalbard 25km LAM present day This experiment is performed with the 25km RCM over Svalbard. The set includes a number of scenarios for end of the century sea ice extent. These extent and corresponding SST climatology come from HadGEM (CMIP3)
tcvo FAMOUS historical Initial runs with famous and HadCM3 and either pre industrial of historical forcing. Run on Ormen
tcvq Sahel Precip Experiments This is a set of simulations to investigate what SST anomalies are needed for producing a wet Sahel
tcvs Med_Tracers_HadCM3_PreInd This is a HadCM3 and HadCM3L experiment running from 1851 for 500-2000 years. It contains a range of ocean tracers to track the circulation of water masses, particularly Med Outflow. The volume of water exchanged through the Straits of Gibraltar has six configurations: normal, doubled, quadrupled, halved, quartered and none (pipe switched off). The Gibraltar Straits land-sea mask has multiple configurations: normal (closed Straits with HadCM3 pipe), open_01 (2 land points have been transformed to sea according to lemon_sherbet_01), open_02 (4 land points have been transformed to sea according to lemon_sherbet_02) and open_03 (6 land points have been transformed to sea according to lemon_sherbet_03). The jobs with altered land-sea masks (i.e. with %27open%27 Gibraltar Straits) are spin-up jobs. For tracer results see experiment tcxz (%2B identifier equivalent, e.g. tcvsg is the spin-up job for full run tcxzg). The job identifiers of the tcvs and tcxz experiments match.
tcvt Sahel Precip Experiments This is a set of simulations to investigate what SST anomalies are needed for producing a wet Sahel
tcvu 2xCO2 FAMOUS-2S ensemble This is an ensemble of 2xCO2 runs part of the tuning of FAMOUS.
tcvx LGM 1 sweep re running FASMOUS for the LGM with 1 sweep. These runs crashes and I keep re-starting them
tcwd New set of FAMOUS Eocene tests This set of jobs forms the basis for a number of ensembles (physics sets) which investigate of we can find a stable FAMOUS eocene model setup that works at high CO2.
tcwe continuation of tcru/v continuation of runs from ensemble 2 of tuning of FAMOUS. runs start from end of tcru/v ensemble and are continued for another 800 years
tcwj Eocene Ensemble Part of the Eocene Ensemble (part 1 is tcwi).
tcwm Test of FAMOUS Some simple tests of FAMOUS
tcwo Ens Deglaciation%3A 21k Spinup FAMOUS Ensemble 21k Spinup ready for deglaciation
tcwp Ens Deglaciation%3A 21k - 20k This is an ensemble of FAMOUS simulations. This experiment is for 21k - 20k.
tcwq Ens Deglaciation%3A 20k - 19k Ensemble simulations for the new deglaciation runs. Simulations are from 20k to 19k.
tcwr Ens Deglaciation%3A 19k - 18k This is an ensemble of simulations for the deglaciation.
tcxk Pre-Industial FAMOUS Ensemble This is the pre-industrial simulation corresponding to the FAMOUS deglaciation ensemble
tcxl Ens Deglac%3A 17k - 14k CCSM THe same as the 17k-16k experiment (tcwt) but using CCSM forcing rather than ORMEN and running for 3000 years.
tcxm Benchmark FAMOUS MOSES1 This is a benchmark FAMOUS MOSES1 set of simulations.
tcxn RCP_transient %2B carbon cycle Experiment for the simulation of global warming and ocean acidification in the next 100 years for the RCP scenarios. Involves an initial job to define initial pre-industrial state, and three transient jobs with the carbon cycle active for the 3, 4.5 and 8.5 RCP scenarios.
tcxt DVS 6ka 2nd BIOME Dynamic Vegetation 6ka 2nd BIOME iteration with veg, smow and soil temp files updated initial experiment was tctwa
tcxz Med_Tracers_HadCM3/3L This is a HadCM3 and HadCM3L experiment running from 1851 for 2000 years. It contains a range of ocean tracers to track the circulation of water masses, particularly Med Outflow. The volume of water exchanged through the Straits of Gibraltar has three configurations: normal, doubled and halved. The Gibraltar Straits are open for all of these experiments, with multiple land-sea mask configurations: open_01 (2 land points have been transformed to sea according to lemon_sherbet_01) and open_02 (4 land points have been transformed to sea according to lemon_sherbet_02). The tcvs experiments were used to spin-up the model (50 years) following the land-sea mask changes to the Gibraltar Straits. With the exception of tcxzs-tcxzv, the tcxz experiments start with the re-initialisation of ocean tracers using the output from tcvs t%3D50 years. The job identifiers of the tcvs and tcxz experiments match. tcxzs-tcxzv are corrected versions of tcvss-tcvsv, which called a missing file.
tcyd 6ka Green Sahara 4th BIOME 6ka Green Sahara simulation with HadAM3. The simulation uses unrealistic vegetation parameters and is the first in a series of vegetation iterations 4th BIOME
tcye GS 6ka 2nd BIOME GS 6ka 2nd BIOME Green Sahara vegetation run
tcyf Eocene_pertubations Continuation of tcwir6, warm Eocene simulation from MPP (MAT~26oC but with a near modern gradient). 10 years from 12109 with full stash output.
tcyi Climate Spinup Tests This is a set of simulations which examine how the model spins up from rest for both the ocean and atmosphere.
tcyk Dynamic Veg Test BIOME 1 GS Dynamic Veg Test BIOME 1 Green Sahara flipped vegetation file
tcyp Indonesian Through Flow This is a series of simulations investigating the Indonesian Through Flow by modifying the islands and bathymetry around this area.
tcyr Test if STOCHEM on bigblue This is a test of STOCHEM on bigblue. The jobs should be identical to the xboz series run on quest.
tcyu Indonesian Throughflow This is a set of experiments testing the impact of Indonesian Thoughflow. This is similar to tcyp but Panama open.
tcyv Indonesian Throughflow This is similar to tcyua but with Pliocene boundary conditions
tcyw Benchmark HadCM3-M2.1 This is the benchmark setup for HadCM3 Moses2.1. All other variants of MOSES2.1 are based on this example
tcyx Benchmark HadCM3-MOSES2.2 This is the benchmark configuration for MOSES2.2
tcyy HadAM3_Pliocene This is a series of PLISMIP experiments. They should be scientifically similar to tcsxj and tcsxk (the PlioMIP Exp 1 runs) but include alterations to the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets.
tczb Eocene_cont_tcwjo_full_STASH Eocene run on FAMOUS. Continuation of tcwjo (ensemble run from tcwda) with full STASH. Started from year 14009 of tcwjo but parameters changed to standard tcwda values.
tczc BBC stochem runs Following from tcmfa3 etc. stochem chemistry runs
tczd HadAM3 crops and SST exps. Experimenting with crop albedo in the atmosphere-only model. Some runs with 350 or 700ppm CO2 and 190ppm equivalent sea surface temperatures.
tcze Bug tests
tczg Benchmark HadCM3-M2.1_Eqm HadCM3 Moses 2.1 TRIFFID turned on but running in equilibrium mode
tczh FAMOUS M2.2 Tests Test of FAMOUS MOSES2.2 configuration on quest
tczj P4F HadCM3 snapshots (WP1.1) These simulations are required in order to evaluate the less complex and lower resolution transient experiments performed with FAMOUS. They represent key snapshots at 0 and 6ka BP in the PI, and 130, 128 and 125 ka BP in the LI, conforming to the PMIP3 standard.
tczl Sahel SST Experiments This is a continuation of the tcvq series but using targetted SSTs based on selecting from Amys analysis
tczm FAMOUS Deglaciation These are some tests of the FAMOUS deglaciation simulations.
tczn cp_tcxmb_100y_bluecrystal_test This is scientifically identical to tcxmb, the current standard FAMOUS job. It is Jonny Williams%27 first test run on Bluecrystal and is 100 years long.
tczp BBC Orbit Only Final set of BBC Orbit only simulations to complete the set
tczq Plio_IceSensitivity This is a series of coupled run which alter the ice sheets in the Pliocene (the experiments stem from the tcofb and tcofp runs). The experiment have PRISM2 boundary conditions but the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are altered. CO2 levels are set at 400 ppmv. This is experiment is part of a sequence of experiments investigating the impact of changing ice sheets in the PRISM reconstructions.
tczt LM NoOzoneFix NoTriffidBug No triffid bug control runs
tczv Pre-ind_ HadCM3_o3_mod_5.5 This job is a copy of tcywa which represents a BRIDGE standard HadCM3-MOSES2.1 job. The ozone.mod file has been changed, stratosphere and upper stratosphere concentrations are identical and 5.5 x that of standard ozone_mod. This is part of an ozone_mod sensitivity series of runs. tczva is the control job of this sequence.
tczy Frans Pliocene Jobs These are Frans first Pliocene simulations
tczz ggjhtw tczza minus HadOCC cp tczza HadOCC removed
tdaa Benchmark Dynamic TRIFFID This should be the benchmark experiment for TRIFFID/MOSES2.1 in fully dynamic mode as part of HadCM3
tdab BBC runs with TRIFFID This set of experiments is part of a BBC run with TRIFFID. This particular set uses TRIFFID in equilibrium mode
tdac BBC Runs with Dynamic Triffid This runs includes all forcings (as in tdaba) but also includes dynamic TRIFFID
tdad BBC Runs with Triffid These runs are like the normal BBC runs but have TRIFFID turned on in equilibrium mode. Forcing include orbit and GHG only.
tdae BBC Isotopes This is a new set of BBC runs with isotopes included
tdag FAMOUS with cc test runs FAMOUS with cc test runs
tdaj BBC Runs with Triffid These runs are like the normal BBC runs but have TRIFFID turned on in equilibrium mode. Forcing include orbit only.
tdak BBC Runs with Dynamic Triffid BBC runs with dynamic TRIFFID and orbital plus GHG forcing only
tdal BBC Runs with Dyn Triffid This is a BBC run with dynamic TRIFFID and orbital forcing only.
tdar Test of Reconfigured bluecryst Bluecrystalp2 was reconfigured in Feb 2011 and this was a test that we still got reproducability
tdav DJL ERP 2011 Dans ERP projects for 2011
tdax Robbie GEOMIP Robbies GeoMIP simulations
tday Land CC ensemble members 1 Land carbon cycle ensemble 8
tdba HadCM3LM2.1 Benchmark This job is stored in swsvalde and represents a BRIDGE standard HadCM3L-MOSES2.1 job (modern geography no Iceland and pre industrial greenhouse gases). It was run on bigblue on April 2011 and used 4 processors. The ozone mod is not implemented.
tdbb HadCM3LM2.1_5.5_ozonemod This job is stored in swsvalde and represents a BRIDGE standard HadCM3L-MOSES2.1 job with a x5.5 ozone_mod (modern geography no Iceland and pre industrial greenhouse gases). The ozone mod is the only difference with tdbab. It was run on bigblue on April 2011 and used 4 processors.
tdbd Ocean CC ensemble members 1 Ocean carbon cycle ensemble 4
tdbj pulsed_hosing pulsed hosing experiment.
tdbk DV pre-ind HadAM3 This is a pre-ind simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. dynamic vegetation ancils from TCMFA3 iteration 5
tdbl DV 3ka veg 5 This is a 3ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. Dynamic vegetation 5
tdbm 6ka veg 5 This is a 6ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. as tdbma but with PE diagnostic
tdbn 9ka veg 5 This is a 9ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. as tdbna but with PE diagnostic
tdbo 12ka veg 5 This is a 12ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. biome iteration 5
tdbp 15ka veg 5 This is a 15ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. biome iteration 5
tdbq 18ka veg 5 This is a 18ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. includes BIOME iteration 5
tdbr DV 21ka veg 5 This is a 21ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. includes BIOME iteration 5
tdbt pre-ind Green Sahara This is a pre-ind simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. it includes unrealistic vegetaton (deserts and rain forests swapped) this is BIOME iteration 5
tdbu 6ka Green Sahra This is a 6ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. it includes unrealistic vegetation (deserts and rain forests swapped) veg 5
tdbv DV EA Pre-Ind This is a pre-ind simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. it include iterative vegetation this is BIOME iteration 5 this experiment used an enhanced desert albedo value
tdbw 6ka DV EA Veg This is a 6ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. it include iterative vegetation this is BIOME iteration 5 this experiment used an enhanced desert albedo value
tdbx Tropical Atlantic LAM Global and regional model for the Tropical Atlantic LAM
tdca copy of ggpji xfbkj ENT copy of ggpji xfbkj G1 geomip run with VF1 1.0 and ENT
tdcc Med_Tracers_HadCM3_PreInd_cont This continues the tcvs, tcxz and tcvm experiments, containing HadCM3 and HadCM3L experiments running from 1851 for 500 years. It contains a range of ocean tracers to track the circulation of water masses, particularly Med Outflow. These experiments have an advective Gibraltar Straits %27pipe%27 (HadCM4) rather than the standard diffusive %27pipe%27 (HadCM3). This is a test to see which %27pipe%27 set-up gives results that most closely match observations with respect to Med-Atlantic exchange and the high-salinity plume extending into the North Atlantic.
tdcg FAMOUS 1-Sweep Control This is the control version of FAMOUS 1-sweep (as Reading) but including the stratospheric wind cap that prevents LGM conditions failing.
tdch STATOIL Kimmeridgian This is a set of runs for the Kimmeridgian
tdci DV tcmfa4 Pre-Ind 5 This is a pre-ind simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. sst and sea ice from tcmfa4 as tdcia but with PE diagnostic
tdcj DV pre-ind HadAM3 This is a pre-ind simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. sst and sea ice from tcmfa4. It is a BIOME dynamic vegetation run using tdcia anomalies. iteration 5
tdck DV 3ka veg This is a pre-ind simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. dynamic vegetation ancils from TCMFA3 iteration 3
tdcl DV 6ka veg This is a 6ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. sst and sea ice from tcmfa4. It is a BIOME dynamic vegetation run using tdcia anomalies. iteration 5
tdcm DV 9ka veg This is a 9ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. sst and sea ice from tcmfa4. It is a BIOME dynamic vegetation run using tdcia anomalies. iteration 5
tdcn DV 12ka veg This is a 12ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. sst and sea ice from tcmfa4. It is a BIOME dynamic vegetation run using tdcia anomalies. iteration 5
tdco DV 15ka veg This is a 15ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. sst and sea ice from tcmfa4. It is a BIOME dynamic vegetation run using tdcia anomalies. iteration 4
tdcp DV 18ka veg This is a 18ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. sst and sea ice from tcmfa4. It is a BIOME dynamic vegetation run using tdcia anomalies. iteration 5
tdcq DV 21ka veg This is a 21ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. sst and sea ice from tcmfa4. It is a BIOME dynamic vegetation run using tdcia anomalies. iteration 5
tdcs DV 6ka old ice This is a 6ka B.P. simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. run on BIG BLUE. Ancils from BBC old ice TCMOT3 BIOME iteration 5
tdcv DV pre-ind HadAM3 no anom This is a pre-ind simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. sst and sea ice from tcmfa4. It includes dynamic vegetation (BIOME no anom) and is iteration 8
tdcw DV 6ka no anom This is a 6ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. It includes dynamic vegetation (BIOME no anom) and is iteration 8
tdcy HadCM3_Tracers_Med_Salinity These experiments are used to explore the impact of changes in Mediterranean salinity (and thus implicitly to test changes in MOW salinity) on global THC/climate. For this, the salinity cap has been removed for the Mediterranean basin (only) and the water column in this basin is forced to keep a constant prescribed salinity at every time-step. Jobs in this experiment use Mediterranean salinities of: 5 PSU, 19 PSU, 57 PSU, 76 PSU, 114 PSU, 380 PSU. Ocean tracers are also included to track flow. The Med salinities are controlled by the relevant UM update file remove_salinity_capX, where X is the prescribed Med salinity, stored in: /home/ri5774/um_updates. The control run for these jobs is tcvmb.
tddb control exp controlled ppe experiments with pre industrial conditions and not Geoengineering
tddc HadGEM2 Volcano HadGEM2-ES simulation in pre-industrial conditions and imposed with 1815 volcanic forcing (from Crowley database).
tddm HadCM3L Eocene Eocene geography, Moses 2.1, TRIFFID (equilibrium mode)
tddo BBC Runs MOSES2.1 fixed veg This is part of the BBC TRIFFID runs. This set of simulations uses fixed, prescribed vegetation is a comparator (OA) run to the main tdac runs.
tddp BBC Runs MOSES2.1 fixed veg Part of the BBC set of simulations. This one uses observed modern day vegetation.
tddq BBC TRIFFID sensitivity tests These are some BBC TRIFFID tests to examine whether there is any possibility of getting the Green Sahara correct.
tddr Kimmeridgean coarse soil with Triffid. For Statoil. Started from year 1000 of tddrc.
tddt HadCM3_MSC These jobs comprise of a suite of Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC 5-6 Ma) experiments run by ri5774. The control run is based on tcyua (ggpjv), a clean Pliocene (3 Ma) run with PRISM2 boundary conditions and an open Panama Seaway. Based on the control, there are also two Mediterranean halite precipitation experiments (Med at 380 psu with quarter Med-Atlantic Exchange (MAE) and normal MAE), two Med gypsum precipitation experiments (Med at 130 psu with half MAE and normal MAE), three brackish Med experiments (Med at 5 psu with half MAE, normal MAE and double MAE) and one experiment with the Med-Atlantic exchange pipe switched off (so that there is no MOW).
tddu These are continuation runs of the respective runs in tdds*
tddv Green Sahara HadCM3 This is a copy of tcmfa but with %27green sahara%27 vegetation
tddw GS 6ka HadCM3 This is a copy of tctbt but with green sahara vegetation
tddx BBC TRIFFID sensitivity tests This series builds from tddq series. Simulations were initialised with forest in most tropical regions and from the previous tddq where vegetation was held fixed.
tddz Climate Sensitivity Test of Climate Sensitivity for different periods
tdec HadCM3 Eocene Series of simulations using HadCM3, MOSES1 for the Eocene
tdee Climate Sensitivity Continued Continuation of the Climate Sensitivity runs for AGU
tdef Preind Ctrl Full Stash Full stash pre industrial control simulation. Copy of tcrta, stash as in tdefj
tdeg Test of Continuation of FAMOUS The original attempt to simulate FAMOUS into the future (tcxk) produced strange results so am attempting to straightforwardly integrate into future
tdeh Continuation of CCSM FAMOUS This is a continuation of the CCSM forced FAMOUS experiments (started with tcxl)
tdek HadAM3_MOSES2.1 This is the benchmark experiment series for HadAM3 with MOSES2.1 but without dynamic veg.
tdel HadAM3_MOSES2.1_Eqm This is a benchmark run for HadAM3 MOSES2.1 Equilibrium run. It was run on QUEST.
tdep HadAM3h_preind This is identical to tcqqe but using SSTs from tcmfa3. Trace gases are pre-industrial. Lake Victoria is NOT included. Otherwise similar to TCNCY. Also included divergence damping and Potential Evaporation
tdeq HadAM3h_6ka This is identical to tcqqg but for 6ky BP using tctbt3 SSTs. Trace gases are for 6kyr BP. Lake Victoria NOT included. Also included divergence damping and potential evaporation.
tder HadAM3h_9ka This is identical to tdepb but using SSTs from TCTBQ3. Trace gasses are 9ka. Lake Victoria is NOT included. Otherwise similar to TCNCY. Also included divergence damping and Potential Evaporation
tdfb Further Climate Sensitivity These are a further set of climate sensitivities using HadCM3L
tdfc SST sensitivity with TRIFFID This is a set of sensitivity experiments with different SST using HadAM3 with TRIFFID equilibrium mode turned on.
tdff Asian Regional Model Run of the regional model using the boundary condition from tdffa. Copied from tcosi experiment.
tdfh Plio Orbits BIOME4 Tests Series of simulations run on Hector, but processed by ggdjl on Bridge in order to obtain BIOME4 output. ONLY BIOMES CALCULATED FOR THESE JOBS - NO CLIMATOLOGIES
tdfk Final Set of SST Ensembles This is similar to tdfc/tdfd but with modern orbit
tdfm Long MOSES/TRIFFID runs Simulations to investigate decadal variability in TRIFFID
tdfs HadAM3h_preind_veg2 This is identical to tdepb but using SSTs from tcmfa3. Trace gases are pre-industrial. Lake Victoria is NOT included. Otherwise similar to TCNCY. Also included divergence damping and Potential Evaporation and uses vegetation derived from BIOME4 output of tdepb
tdft HadAM3h_6ka_veg2 This is identical to tdeqb but for 6ky BP using tctbt3 SSTs. Trace gases are for 6kyr BP. Lake Victoria NOT included. Also included divergence damping and potential evaporation. Vegetation is derived from BIOME4 output of tdeqb
tdfu HadAM3h_9ka_veg2 This is identical to tderb but for 9ky BP using tctbq3 SSTs. Trace gases are for 9kyr BP. Lake Victoria NOT included. Also included divergence damping and potential evaporation. Vegetation is derived from BIOME4 ouput from tderb
tdfw HadAM3h_6ka This is identical to tcqqg but for 6ky BP using tctbt3 SSTs. Trace gases are for 6kyr BP. Lake Victoria NOT included but lakes are prescribed in north africa from the Africa 6ka land surface database. Also included divergence damping and potential evaporation.
tdfx Kimm_seaway_sensitivity_test Kimmeridgian seaway sensitivity studies
tdfz Cont of tdfzb Continuation of tdfzb%3B Kimmeridgean control for FAMOUS M2.2 with tuned ocean and atmosphere parameters (copy of tdeic from ggjhtw) Greenhouse gases as in tdcht.
tdga DV 6ka GS SST This is a 6ka simulation of the atmosphere only model using MOSES1. sst and sea ice from tddqg. It is a BIOME dynamic vegetation run using tdcia anomalies. iteration 5
tdgb HadCM3_MSC _new These jobs comprise of a suite of Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC 5-6 Ma) experiments run by ri5774. The control run is based on tcyua (ggpjv), a clean Pliocene (3 Ma) run with PRISM2 boundary conditions and an open Panama Seaway. Based on the control, there are also two Mediterranean halite precipitation experiments (Med at 380 psu with quarter Med-Atlantic Exchange (MAE) and normal MAE), two Med gypsum precipitation experiments (Med at 130 psu with half MAE and normal MAE), three brackish Med experiments (Med at 5 psu with half MAE, normal MAE and double MAE) and one experiment with the Med-Atlantic exchange pipe switched off (so that there is no MOW). The experiments are a copy of the tddt experiments, but starting from the end dumpfile from the tddta 2000 year run.
tdgd Kimmeridgian HadCM3 This is a new set of simulations using HadCM3 MOSES2.1 for the deep time simulations for the Kimmeridgian
tdgi HadRM3-obs Run test5ii Run of regional model for recent past with observed sst and sea ice and GHGs
tdgj New 1Sweep FAMOUS These are some fresh water hosing experiments with the xfxwb version of FAMOUS (1 sweep, stratosphere drag)
tdgk HadGEM2 volcano HadGEM2-ES simulation in pre-industrial conditions and imposed with modified 1815 volcanic forcing(from Crowley database).
tdgn LMOceanGatewaySensitivityRuns1 These are the boundary condition sensitivity studies (closed Panama, open Bering Strait, removal of Barents Sea Landmass etc). Simulations run to 1000 years.
tdgp GETECH_Cretaceous This set of simulations are the GETECH Cretaceous suite of simulations (12 stages in total)
tdgt Stephens pliocene These are part of Stephen Conns MRes dissertation on the causes of Pliocene warmth using PRISM3
tdgu FAMOUS_19level_1sweep This is a 19 level version of the 1 sweep version of FAMOUS. These (and tdgv) are used for tuning.
tdha Extension Very Long BBC runs These are extensions to the two very long BBC runs (pre-ind and LGM) for HadCM3, MOSES1
tdhc Impacts of Deep Time BCs This is a sequence of simulations investigating the impacts of deep time boundary condition uncertainties on the model. We do this by taking the pre-industrial model and gradually down grade boundary conditions to that of a typical deep time simulation.
tdhg Kimm_128xCO2 128 x CO2 sensitivity test of FAMOUS Kimmeridgean M2.2 with carbon cycle
tdhh Kimm_120K_orbit Started from tdfzb but with 124K_orbit. CNTLATM and CNTLOCN from tdgla.
tdhi LAM_LBC_sensitivity 1950-2010 run of RCM. Jobs in this experiment have variations in their LBCs, but all other parameters/inputs uniform.
tdhk MPP_Kimm_CTRL Control simulation for MPP Kimmeridge runs. Based on J. Williams tuned C.cycle model
tdht GETECH_Cret_Phase3 Phase 3 of the GETCH Cretaceous simulations. Continuation of tdgp series, but with pmip02 output and lakes.
tdhu LMOceanGatewaySensitivtyRuns2 Late Miocene ocean gateway sensitivity runs cont. Closed Panama, open Bering Strait, no Barents Sea Shelf landmass, Closed Indonesia Seaway First 1000 years
tdid Fugro Kimmeridgian Runs This is a new set of simulations of the Kimmeridgian using Fugro-Robertson produced paleogeogs.
tdif European Afforestation LAM These are a set of simulations of the European LAM runs to investigate the effects of afforestation on climate during this century. These were run for Gabor.
tdii Deforestation This is a set of experiments investigating deforestation.
tdin LIG_WAIS_EXPTS Pre-ind Last interglacial experiments with HadCM3 prescribing different West Antarctic ice-sheets
tdiu Miocene orbits This is a suite of runs looking at the impact of orbit on the Miocene climate, for Alis Medgate work.
tdiw o2_mod_tests1 o2 mod expt 1
tdix Fugro Aptian Runs This is a new set of simulations of the Aptian using Fugro-Robertson produced paleogeogs
tdiy Fugro Ypresian Runs This is a new set of simulations of the Ypresian using Fugro-Robertson produced paleogeogs
tdiz Fugro Turonian Runs This is a new set of simulations of the Turonian using Fugro-Robertson produced paleogeogs
tdja Fugro Asselian Runs This is a new set of simulations of the Asselian using Fugro-Robertson produced paleogeogs
tdjb Fugro Toarcian Runs This is a new set of simulations of the Toarcian using Fugro-Robertson produced paleogeogs
tdje Fugro Ypresian (revised) Runs This is a new set of simulations of the Ypresian (revised) using Fugro-Robertson produced paleogeogs
tdjg Fugro Kimmeridgian HiRes Runs This is a new set of simulations of the Kimmeridgian using Fugro-Robertson produced paleogeogs, and a high resolution (1.25x1.25) ocean
tdjh FixedVeg Identical copies of some tddd expts which were archived
tdjm Kimm_CTRL_Statoil Control Kimmeridge experiment for the perturbed parameter experiments. Moses 2 Triffid in equilibrium mode. Copy of jhtw's tdikp which has run for 6000 years in total.
xaiu Pliocene Simulations Simulations of Pliocene climate (3 million years ago) using PRISM based sea-surface temperature reconstructions or a simple slab ocean model. Simulations also include alternative estimates of Antarctic ice sheet reconstructions.
xajo First LAM Simulations First attempt at simulating the Last Glacial Maximum over Europe with a high spatial resolution regional model.
xajp First Standard Simulations This was an early set of standard simulations of present, pre-industrial, mid-Holocene, LGM, and Younger-Dryas. Mainly superseded by xakx experiments.
xajv Robin Glover Slab Simulations Simulations setting up a pre-industrial slab ocean model. Mainly technical stuff.
xake STAGE3 Simulations Simulations in support of the STAGE3 project simulating climates between 42ka and 30ka BP.
xakf Miscellaneous Pre-Quaternary Simulations of the Miocene (8-20 Ma BP), Oligocene (38 Ma BP), Eocene (55 Ma BP), Cenomanian (92 Ma BP), and Kimmeridgian (150 Ma BP).
xakt Robins 115 ka Simulations A couple of short simulations investigating glacial inception (115 ka BP).
xakx New Standard Simulations A set of standard simulations of climate of the present day, pre-industrial, mid-Holocene and Last Glacial maximum (using PMIP1 boundary conditions), and glacial inception (115 kyr BP).
xamf Slab Ocean Mesozoic Simulations Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous simulations using prescribed sea surface temperatures or a simple slab ocean model. (Restricted Access).
xamk Late Quaternary Slab Simulations A series of snapshot simulations every 1000 years from the Last Glacial Maximum to pre-industrial conditions. In this set, vegetation is held constant at present day and a simple slab ocean model is used.
xamq Late Quaternary Slab + Veg Runs A further series of snapshot simulation but this time vegetation (as represented by BIOME4) is asynchronously coupled to the climate model simulations.
xani First Mesozoic Coupled Runs A first attempt at fully coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations of the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous simulations (Restricted Access).
xant Chemistry Simulations Fully Coupled climate-chemistry simulations for the pre-industrial, LGM and Early Eocene.
xaok Pre-Quaternary Slab Runs Warm climate simulations using prescribed sea surface temperatures. These include Early Eocene, Maastrictian, Aptian, Cenomanian, and Coniacian
xaol First TRIFFID Runs Interactive climate-terrestrial biosphere simulations for the pre-industrial, and mid-Holocene climates
xaon Low resolution Simulations First investigations of low resolution Hadley model simulations in preparation for the development of the FAMOUS model.
xati Additional TRIFFID Runs Simulations as part of John Hughes Thesis work.
xats Pliocene coupled runs Fully coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations of the Pliocene including sensitivity to boundary conditions.
xatt Maastrictian coupled runs Fully coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations of the Maastrictian including sensitivity to boundary conditions.
xatu More Pliocene coupled runs Further fully coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations of the Pliocene including sensitivity to boundary conditions.
xatv Hadley pre-PMIP 6ka runs Trial simulations of the mid-Holocene using fully coupled atmosphere-ocean-terrestrial vegetation model.
xatw Pliocene TRIFFID runs Investigation of role of interactive vegetation during the Pliocene warm period.
xatx New LAM Simulations for LGM New and improved investigation of regional modelling of Europe during the LGM.
xayb Isotope Runs Spin-up of oxygen isotope enabled ocean model
xayc Sea-ice Sensitivity Investigation of the impact of uncertainties in sea-ice estimates for the Arctic
xayd Further Maastrictian coupled Improved Fully coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations of the Maastrictian including sensitivity to boundary conditions.
xaye Cenozoic Coupled Simulations Fully coupled atmosphere-ocean-vegetation simulations of the Eocene and Oligocene including some sensitivity studies (Restricted Access).
xayf EVP Sea ice Tests A few preliminary tests of the EVP sea ice component within the HadCM3 model
xayg Impact of Future Sea ice Simulations Several models have predicted loss of summer seaice as one of the many consequences of global warming during the end part of this century. These runs looked to see how important the seaice itself is, so we ran some simulations in which sea ice was forced to change, but nothing else.
xayh Miocene Sensitivity Runs Sensitivity experiments for the Lat Miocene investigating the impact of sea surface temperature on Mediterranean climates
xayk Eocene Sensitivity Runs New Early Eocene simulations showing the impact of atmospheric composition changes (some problems with some of these simulations).
xayl HADCM3L_18O_control This is a HadCM3L control run with 18o. Unfortunately because of the job it was copied from the ozone climatology may be incorrect.
xayn New control simulations New version of standard present and pre-industrial simulations using new model setup (in particular MOSESII) and new computer.
xayr Impact of new model Comparisons between new standard model configuration and older setup.
xayt Improved Eocene Simulations Improved version of xayk experiments with consistent model setup and computers.
xbiz New Slab Ocean Simulations New set of Slab Ocean Simulations using MOSESII
xbjb PMIP Mid-Holocene Runs Mid-Holocene (6000 years BP) runs on Newton using standard PMIPII model setup
xbjc Standard Control Runs New set of standard control runs on Newton using standard PMIPII model setup
xbjf RAPID Hosing Simulations Set of simulations for RAPID using HadCM3L and a range of fresh water hosing scenarios
xbjg Eocene Chemistry Simulations New Eocene Chemistry modelling using improved slab model
xblm New Pliocene PRISM3D New Pliocene simulations using PRISM3D SST max and min files
xblp PMIP 2 Simulations This experiment includes all of the PMIP 2 simulations, including the spinup phase and the main runs.
xblu New Quaternary Slab Ocean This is a new set of slab ocean files designed for the Quaternary. These are particularly used in the atmospheric chemistry studies.
xblv New Standard HadAM3 simulation This experiment consists of a new standard set of HadAM3 simulations. These will mainly act as a control for subsequent simulations.
xblw Newer Eocene Chemistry Runs This experiment is an improved version of the Eocene chemistry modelling. It now includes a detailed treatment of the slab oceans and MOSESII.
xblz Revised Robertsons This contains a revised set of runs for the Robertsons set of simulations using all the lessons learnt (so far)
xbmb Morgans Volcanic Experiments Examining effects of supervolcano on climate through changes in vegetation and soil cover. Case studies are Yellowstone, La Pacana and Toba
xbmc New Aptian Simulations Aptian Simulations to test vegetation feedback
xbmd Tests of MOSESII Model This consists of a set of tests of the MOSESII model to try and identify why we are getting different results to the Hadley centre for our pre-industrial climates
xbme New Coupled Pliocene This is a new set of coupled Pliocene simulations using HadCM3.
xbmf FAMOUS Tests This is a first set of simulations to test FAMOUS
xbmg New STOCHEM Related Tests THis is preparing for a new simulation with Dave Stevensons version of STOCHEM
xbmi Kittyhawk Tests This is a set of simulations used to evaluate the performance of the kittyhawk cluster
xbmj Feedbacks due to initial conds This experiment uses atmosphere ocean simulations to quantify feedbacks between atmosphere, ocean, and vegetation.
xbmq Tests of HadCM3L These are a series of HadCM3L tests on Kittyhawk
xbms BAS Pliocene related expts. This is a set of simulations continuing the Pliocene work, but investigating sensitivies of the model.
xbmu Dans standard experiments These are Dans standard experiments. For example a standard pre-industrial simulation with an ozone fix.
xbmz Robertsons Pliocene This is a series of simulations of the PLiocene, using boundary conditions from Robertsons.
xbna Pliocene Ice-Sheet Expts Suite of ice-sheet experiments performed as part of the PhD of Daniel Hill
xbnc Fugro Robertsons Pliocene This is a new set of Pliocene Simulations
xbne FAMOUS_PC_PD First simulation with FAMOUS on BRIDGE computing servers. FAILED RUN, this is a single processor version. Results can be compared to xbmfi. Superseded by xbnpa. This FAMOUS present-day run is a copy of xbmfp (which is xbmfe for Bridge machines).Run on stage 11. This is a hybrid run with PD initial conditions (of Gregory and Taro),but boundary conditions are Pre-industrial co2, ch4, n20, and three level of (modern) Ozone. This is supposed to cause a drift during this 100 yrs run.%0D%0A
xbnf Asselian and Kimmeridgian Set of Asselian simulations as Part of the Merlin Project and extension of Kimmeridgian
xbnj New Maastrictian This is a set of new simulations using Maastrictian paleo geogs. These include the old version, but also a slightly improved version that Paul Markwick recently provided.
xbnl HadAM3H series of simulations This is a new set of simulations using HadAM3H with MOSES1 and MOSES2.1 and using AMIP2 SSTs, climatological means, or Pliocene.
xbnp FAMOUS FW HOSING 5x5 FAMOUS pre industrial, fresh water hosing experiment in 5x5 grid area in Labrador Sea. run started at year 2468 with 20yrs long pulse, then another 94 yrs of relaxation. Run on the local machines, Sep. 2006.
xbnr Test Fully Coupled Isotope Mod These experiments are testing the isotope model within the fully coupled system.
xbnt Further Merlin Simulations Aptian, Turonian and eocene simulations
xbnw Ormen tests These are the first set of runs on ORMEN. They include some pure tests and some small variations around existing simulations.
xbog STOCHEM Holocene simulations STOCHEM Holocene simulations
xbom Palaeo Isotopes This set of jobs includes isotopes enabled models of the pre-Quaternary
xboo BAS Pliocene on hpcx These are the BAS Plicoene simulations, run on hpcx. They include sensitivity to co2, orbit etc.
xbor FAMOUS LGM runs on ORMEN FAMOUS LGM runs on ORMEN. Using ice-5g LGM land-sea mask, bathymetry and topography.
xbos New Quaternary STOCHEM This is a new set of STOCHEM related simulations investigating chemistry changes during the Holocene
xbov Deglaciation-HadCM3L Runs This is a new set of simulations using ice 5G through the deglaciation.
xbow Modern sensitivity to CO2 These set of experiments test the sensitivity of the modern climate to CO2. They are also the Giant Mirrors in Space runs.
xbox QUEST deglac. and d18o tests This experiment will contain jobs for the QUEST deglaciation project. Mainly transient simulations of the last 21000 years with various amounts of additional forcing, with/without accelerated boundary conditions.%0D%0AIt also contains tests of the isotope code in HadCM3
xboy End Eocene Simulations This is a continuation of the xaye family of simulations, and is examining the effects of Drakes passage
xboz Long Eocene Simulations This is a set of simulations for the Eocene using MOSES2.2 and with addition of chemistry.
xbpb LGM HadCM3 on QUEST LGM HadCM3 OA and OAV simulations. Investigating impact of and on Southern Africa lakes
xbpc FAMOUS deglaciation 21.0k FAMOUS deglaciation based on ice-5g 21.0k
xbph FAMOUS deglaciation 00.0k FAMOUS deglaciation 00.0k, based on ice-5g land-sea mask and topo. run on ORMEN
xbpi Eocene on Ormen This suite of experiments will test sensitivities of the Eocene climate. Similar to the xboz suite but run on ormen.
xbpm Fully Coupled LGM Fully Coupled LGM on HPCx
xbpn Isotope runs for Gideon Isotope runs for Gideon
xbpo FAMOUS Deglaciation These are a set of runs using FAMOUS to simulate the deglaciation
xbpp FMS QST 21K x10-solar PIxLGM xbpp* are x10 accelerated runs to cover last 21K years plus 4K years of spin-up (runs are for 2100%2B400 years). Solar forcing is varied 10 times faster than it actually did. Other boundary conditions are fixed and differ from one case to another%3B%0D%0Axbpph %3D P-I GHGs%3B P-I LSM%3B P-I IC %5B%3Cxbphb%5D%0D%0Axbppj %3D LGM GHGs%3B LGM LSM%3B LGM IC %5B%3Cxbpce%5D%0D%0Axbppk %3D P-I GHGs%3B LGM LSM%3B LGM IC %5B%3Cxbpce%5D%0D%0A(GHGs%3DCO2%2BCH4%2BN2O, LSM%3Dland-sea mask, IC%3Dinitial condition)%0D%0AThese are created based on xbpaa, xboxi and xbpce.
xbpq FAMOUS_Transient_and_LGM Thus experiment includes a range of transient and LGM simulations using FAMOUS. These are trial integrations to help explore issues and problems with FAMOUS
xbpr Late Miocene fully coupled A suite of Late Miocene fully coupled simulations. These will test sensitivity to co2, himalayas, and antarctic ice sheet.
xbps Pliocene HPCx Continuation of xboo series, i.e. pliocene on hpcx
xbpt xbpt FAMOUS deglaciation FAMOUS deglaciation trnsient accelerated test
xdcz New Maastrichtian with Ice 2xCO2 Maastrichtian with 15 KY ice
xdie FAMOUS 00.0k ICE-5g 2 sweep The standard (pre-industrial) FAMOUS job, run for 30 years. 2 sweeps and non-anomaly ICE-5g
xdjl FAMOUS_21k_ice-5g extra fwflux Famous 4.5.3 deglaciation 20.6k-20.4k. ice-5g topography with varying solar,ghg. Fw fix 1.25pd. run on QUEST.
xdol FAMOUS_Eemian FAMOUS standard job (tcnla) run for 500yrs with 125k orbital parameters and GHGs and with 1 dynamic sweep in the atmosphere model.
xdpb FAMOUS_Eemian FAMOUS standard run but with 130k orbitals and GHGs and Bintanja/calibrated Ice-5g ice/topography. Intialisised from tcnla/xdolb and run for 1000 years
xdrc Heinrich Events FAMOUS LGM 21k run as in tcole, with 200yr 0.4Sv to 50 to 70 deg North Atlantic.
xdux FAMOUS D-O event Repeat of xduxm but with full output for BAS atmospheric chemistry simulations with p-TOMCAT.
xdvy Pre-ind_my first Tests for UM tutorial sessions to learn how it all works%21
xdvz my first experiment, yeah a test experiment to show the principles of UM functioning.
xdwa My first experiment A few tests as part of UM tutorial.
xdwx FAMOUS Heinrich Famous 4.5.3 12.0k run using ICE-5G lsm, orography and ice, with 12.0k orbitals but 21.0k ghgs. The background freshwater flux is for pre-industrial with a 0.4Sv 100yr Heinrich event in the region 50-70 North Atlantic. The soil moisture and temperatures are intialised from the end of tcomn (13k-12k transient simulation).
xdwz FAMOUS Eemian Famous 4.5.3 Eemian 140k equilibrium run on bigblue. Land-sea mask originates from Bintanja 2008 and a regression with ice-5g. Orital forcing and ghgs (CO2, CH4, and N2O) are set to 140.0k values (according to EPICA core). Freshwater fluxes consist of the modern ice calving flux. Run for 500 years.
xdyi Mid-Pliocene orbits Aislings mid-Pliocene orbital simulations with slab models.
xeav FAMOUS_Eemian Famous 4.5.3 Eemian 132k equilibrium run on bigblue. Land-sea mask as control. Orital forcing and ghgs (CO2, CH4, and N2O) are set to 132.0k values (according to EPICA core). CFC 0, O3 has prescribed modern (not pre-industrial) values. Freshwater fluxes consist of the modern ice calving flux. The run is initialised with modern values for terrestrial variables and albedo. soil moisture and soil temp are from tcnla. Ocean is initialised from pre-industrial (tcnla) temperatures salinities, and U,V. Initial streamfunction are 0.
xeay Petes mirrors ensemble Petes mirrors ensemble with various strengths of mirrors
xech FAMOUS Eemian Famous 4.5.3 Eemian 128k equilibrium run on bigblue. Land-sea mask originates from Bintanja (2008) and a regression with ice-5g. Orital forcing and ghgs (CO2, CH4, and N2O) are set to 128.0k values (according to EPICA core).
xeci FAMOUS Eemian Famous 4.5.3 Eemian 112k equilibrium run on bigblue. Land-sea mask as control. Orital forcing and ghgs (CO2, CH4, and N2O) are set to 112.0k values (according to EPICA core). CFC 0, O3 has prescribed modern (not pre-industrial) values. Freshwater fluxes consist of the modern ice calving flux. The run is initialised with modern values for terrestrial variables and albedo. soil moisture and soil temp are from tcnla.
xect FAMOUS Hysteresis Control pre-industrial AMOC hysteresis experiment, with xdbua values for sea-ice albedo and minimum thickness and 1 dynamic sweeps per timestep are used in the atmosphere. Model initialised from quasistable off AMOC state. Sensitivity experiment with stochastic freshwater input.
xedd FAMOUS LGM comparison FAMOUS LGM 21k Bintanja and ice-5g simulation run for 500 years on QUEST.
xedy FAMOUS Eemian 136k simulation as xechc but with 1 dynamic sweep in atmosphere and using 0.011 for diffusion safety filtering factor
xefk HadCM3 geo standards This experiment contains standard runs of HadCM3 with some geoengineering runs included.
xeil 125k ensemble FAMOUS 1000 year control for Eemian perturbed physics ensemble. 125k orbital parameters and green house gas concentrations. Initialised from year 50399 (end) of the pre-ind ensemble simulation, tcrtb.
xeim 125k ensemble FAMOUS 500 year 125k (orb and ghg) run ensemble run 1 of 15.
xein 125k ensemble FAMOUS 500 year 125k ensemble run 14 of 14.
xejs FAMOUS Heinrich tuning ens Control with daily output for Heinrich LGM freshwater forcing ensemble.
xeju FAMOUS Heinrich tuning ens 21k Ice5g peturbed physics run 8 with 1.0Sv Heinrich event.
xejv FAMOUS Heinrich tuning ens FAMOUS 21k ICE-5G peturbed physics run 14 with 1.0Sv Heinrich event to 50 to 70 North Atlantic.
xenu Pre-ind demonstration This experiment is a demonstration used in a tutorial on running the UM. it consists of one job %27xenub%27, which is a copy of ggpjv%27s tcmaa - pre-industrial HadAM3
xeof Eemian orb ghg FAMOUS 4.5.3 pre-industrial standard control (pre-industrial) FAMOUS job, run for 500 years. Parameters from tuned runs tcruw or xeimw
xeou urban albedo experiment albedo and snow covered albedo increase applied dependent on urban coverage.%0D%0Axeouc %3D %2B 0.175 albedo and %2B 0.113 snow albedo%0D%0Axeoud %3D %2B 0.1 albedo and %2B 0.0646 snow albedo%0D%0Axeoue %3D %2B 0.0725 albedo and %2B 0.046 snow albedo. xeoue had a small problem, reran from 80 years in.
xeov desert albedo these experiments form part of my HadCM3 geoengineering runs. This set explores desert albedo increases. increasing only the albedo and not the snow covered albedo. albedo is increased to 0.8 in degetated fraction of cells.%0D%0A3 desert regions%3A%0D%0Aglobal%0D%0Asaudi and north africa%0D%0Asaudi. new areas%3A global, asia%2Bsaudi, sahara
xepc crop_albedo_pete part of my ensemble of hadcm3 moses 1 jobs, crop albedo geoengineering.
xerd FAMOUS MIS 15 Tuned FAMOUS run (tcruw parameter set) evaluated with modern day geogrpahy but 608k orbitals and greenhouse gases.
xerk FAMOUS_Heinrich Repeat run of xduxx with more atmospheric output to allow forcing of p-TOMCAT and ORCHIDEE.
xetf FAMOUS Eemian Standard FAMOUS job run for 500 years with 128kyr orbitals and ghg and with WAIS removed and set to 2000m ocean. Climate modle parameters from tuned model tcruw. As in xeofd.
xevk xevk jobs are transient tests and runs. they will represent a pre-industrial to modern to future set of simulations.
xevu HadAM3 SST D-O HadAM3 60k Greenland interstadial run based on HadCM3 BBC improve ice tctdu3 with SST and sea-ice anomalies from FAMOUS run xfnfb2.
xewh FAMOUS Eemian ensemble FAMOUS 125k orb and ghg equilibrium run. Geography set as in tcnla pre-industrial. Tuned model version as in xeinv.
xewo HadAM3 SST CH4 ensemble Control experiment as tcvqa
xfbk geomip_runs geomip g1 and g2 experiments with controls.%0D%0Apre-ind%0D%0A4xco2, %2Bmirror%0D%0A1%co2 per year, %2B mirror
xfbx FAMOUS Heinrich tuning ens Control experiment as in tcrtb (pre-ind) and xejsb (LGM control Heinrich event simulation). 1.0Sv freshwater added 50-70 for 100 years.
xfby FAMOUS Heinrich tuning ens Pre-industrial version of xejuz, initialised from year 50399 of tcruz
xfbz FAMOUS Heinrich tuning ens Pre-industrial version of xejvd, initiliased from 200yrs of tcrvd
xfcy HadAM3 20C transient SST/ice HadAM3 job based on tcvqa forced with transient SST and sea-ice HadISST from 1870-2008. Run on QUEST
xfgr FAMOUS Hysteresis Pre Industrial part 1, 2 sweep hysteresis FAMOUS simulation.
xfgs FAMOUS Hysteresis LGM 10
xfkj FAMOUS MIS3 FAMOUS 44k simulation with orb, ghg and ice as in BBC HadCM3 run new_ice.
xfmn FAMOUS MIS3 14.0k coupled FAMOUS simulation with orbital insolation, greenhouse gases, ice (from BBC runs) and also freshwater forcing for D-O behaviour.
xfnf FAMOUS MIS2 MIS 2 14kyr ice, orbital and trace gas simulation as in xfkjm. Continuation of xfmnm from year 209 with different freshwater forcing (in North Atlantic). 0.5Sv followed by -0.5 Sv (versus -0.1 in xfmnm).
xfwd PPE pre-ind this experiment will consist of the standard and associated tests for the new HadCM3 perturbed physics ensemble.
xgat Glimmer tests testing the coupling of glimmer to famous with water fix but no change in ororogarpany
xgeo HadGAM2 SSTs/sea ice from pre-industrial HadISST 1871-1900 climatology.
xggv HadGEM2-ES 20 year future Ad 2040-2060 RCP 6 simulation initialised from year 2040 of the Met Office%27s CMIP5 RCP6 job.
xgli HadGAM2 PreInd dynamic model TRIFFID, as xgliv but veg dist set to zero.
xgse HadGAM2 Pre-industrial Atmosphere-only, with tdaca SSTs. Vegetation is prescribed from tdaca and is fixed in time.
xgwn control run with glimUm meanIS this is a control famous LGM run that has an icesheet that is an eqm version of glimUM
xgxi FAM glim with variable timeste this is Famous %2B glimmer with the coupling done with a variable timstepping arrangement, if there is calving going on ( %3E.04SV) then the t step is 10 years, 100 otherwise
xhfz HadCM3 PMIP3 PMIP3 HadCM3 LGM simulation.
xhkn HadGAM2 LGM HadGAM2 with HadCM3 SSTs in anomaly mode (relative to observational SSTs) and seaice and run in equilibrium TRIFFID mode. Re-routing of inland river water OFF.
xhmb HadGAM2 HadGAM2 LGM with dynamic vegetation fractions. Dust radiative forcing is turned off, and double-call radiation scheme is used to calculate the instantaneous atmospheric mineral dust radiative forcing. ES dust model parameter values.
xhnz HadGAM2 Atmosphere only LGM HadGAM2 with SSTs sea-ice and veg distributions from HadCM3m2. Soil thermal parameter values are also taken from HadCM3m2 as opposed to HadGEM2.
xhrc HadGAM2 TRIF tuning As xhrcc, PI atmosphere only HadGAM2. Tuning TRIFFID code changes. Reduced STASH. This is the PI tuning NL0 min.
xhsg HadCM3M2 LGM 21kyr HadCM3 M2.1 Dynamic TRIFFID simulation continuation of xhsgv.
xhyi HadGAM2 CH4 tests LGM atmosphere-only HadGAM2 run with tcmfa3 SSTs and sea-ice. Correction of -2.77 to the topographic index field over the Amazon and Parana basins to produce more realistic wetland area and hence wetland CH4 emissions. Calculated from ETOPO1 for new LGM land points.
xigs HadCM3 9kyr Lake Agassiz HadCM3 simulation for 9kyr including ice, land sea mask, RAGS and orbits. Lake gridcells prescribed south of Laurentide icesheet to represent Lake Agassiz etc. The lake is at an elevation of 250m.

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