SST is generated from AMIP2 for CMIP5 SST data:, variable tos. Calculate monthly mean climatology for the whole 30 years, calculate zonal mean and broadcast to all longitude, regrid from 1 degree to N48 (HadCM3BL resolution) by method 'bilinear', masked by ALL_Tibet land-sea mask. Sea ice fraction is calculated from SST, Sea ice depth and edge are calculated from sea ice fraction. SST value over sea-ice: 271.35; SST value for sea-ice mask: 271.36 (could generate sea ice) (done in BRIDGE server: ALL_Tibet_SST.job, using Xancil.) Present Day Orbit. Set the Eurasia_Africa_India landmass to be reference landmass, the North pole island and South pole island to be islands/comparision landmasses. New simplified and moved Eurasia_Africa_India landmass and Tibet if compare to Idealized_NoRidge series.