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Earth Systems Modelling Results

Bristol Research Initiative for the Dynamic Global Environment

Model Simulations

Experiment: xojri

This job is a standard version of HadCM3M2.1D (dynamic TRIFFID) based on tdaae. However, it has a number of small additions/changes. These include: (1) the dark_respiration update is included, (2) the orbital update as in FAMOUS, (3) salinity conservation is included, (4) age of water tracer included. One executable can be used for all time periods. Also has orbit and CO2 etc changing and changing orography.

The boundary conditions are (a) peltier6g, used in anomaly mode, (b) GHGs from the latest estimates, (c) global salinity is 1PSU more at LGM and scaled with sealevel for other periods (d) orbital changes via FAMOUS update (default is Berger and Loutre 1991)

Note that the salinity, orbital and trace gas updates have been modified to produce output files. Salinity update modifies whole volume.

And noise diagnostics here
Brief Description Fuller Description Total Length of Run (in years) Averaging period (in years) Spinup period (in years) CO2 (in ppmv) CH4 (in ppbv) N2O (in ppbv) CFC11 (in pptv) CFC12 (in pptv) Computer used for simulation Compiler used for simulation Date of first entry in datebase Date of most recent modification to entry in database
09.5k-09.0k_BP This is part of Birmingham Holocene simulations. This is the CONV configuration which includes changes to entrainment rate and detrainment. All forcings included except melt water fluxes. This series originally started from the tdphl spinup. Revised runoff maps, Russian rivers to Arctic. 550 50 450 191 364 202 0 0 bc4 Intel_v17_0.1_bc4 2020_10_21_12_03 2020_10_21_12_03
You can access the means from this run, by going here

This page shows a small subset of images from this simulation. They have already been produced and there are no optional choices. If you want to do a more detailed examination of the model results, you can go to the main page and select one of the Parts. This will give you full access the system

Summary of Results for Experiment xojri



Summary of Results for Experiment xojri-tejxi



Summary of Results for Experiment xojri-tejyg



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