Earth Systems Modelling Results
Bristol Research Initiative for the Dynamic Global
Environment with the University of Reading, Open University, and the British Antarctic Survey.
Model Simulations
Experiment: xgliu
Dust model parameters are from the HadGEM2-ES model version rather than the AMIP version parameters as used in xglis.
Brief Description |
Fuller Description |
Total Length of Run (in years) |
Averaging period (in years) |
Spinup period (in years) |
CO2 (in ppmv) |
CH4 (in ppbv) |
N2O (in ppbv) |
CFC11 (in pptv) |
CFC12 (in pptv) |
Computer used for simulation |
Compiler used for simulation |
Date of first entry in datebase |
Date of most recent modification to entry in database |
HadGAM2 |
20 year LGM HadGAM2 simulation with dynamic vegetation. SSTs and sea-ice are from tctbe3. This is copy of xglis, but with dust model parameters changed, so the less sensitive ES values. |
20 |
15 |
5 |
185 |
350 |
200 |
0 |
0 |
unknown |
unknown |
2012_07_31_11_03 |
2012_09_05_16_17 |
You can access the means from this run, by going here |
This page shows a small subset of images from this simulation. They have
already been produced and there are no optional choices. If you want to do a
more detailed examination of the model results, you can go to the
main page and select one of the Parts. This will give you full access the system
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