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Earth Systems Modelling Results

Bristol Research Initiative for the Dynamic Global Environment

with the

University of Reading, Open University, and the British Antarctic Survey.

Model Simulations

Experiment: xatxb

This run acts as the control pre-industrial LAM run for Europe. It uses lateral boundary conditions from xatxa and is as near to xatxa as possible. Compared to the global model, the horizontal diffusion has changed, the large scale precipitation, some aspects of the gravity wave scheme, and the high latittude filtering constants. All of these were changed in accordance with standard Hadley centre settings for the LAM, except that diffusion was stronger. There was a small enhancement throughout the atmosphere (from 1.7e+7 to 2.2e+7) but a stronger enhancement in the top 3 levels to 3.4e+7

Brief Description Fuller Description Total Length of Run (in years) Averaging period (in years) Spinup period (in years) CO2 (in ppmv) CH4 (in ppbv) N2O (in ppbv) CFC11 (in pptv) CFC12 (in pptv) Computer used for simulation Compiler used for simulation Date of first entry in datebase Date of most recent modification to entry in database
New_European_LAM European LAM for pre-industrial conditions. Configured as xatxa 14 6 8 279 703 276 0 0 turing unknown Not_Recorded Not_Recorded
You can access the means from this run, by going here

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Summary of Results for Experiment xatxb


Plantary AlbedoWarm Month Mean
Surface AlbedoCold Month Mean
Mean Annual Temperature Cycle
Mean Annual Precipitation Cycle
Meridional Stream Function
High Pass Eddy Kinetic Energy at 200 hPa
Low Pass Eddy Kinetic Energy at 200 hPa
High Pass Temperature Flux at 850 hPa

Summary of Results for Experiment no



Summary of Results for Experiment no



Summary of Results for Experiment no



Summary of Results for Experiment no



Last updated Thu Apr 19 16:52:01 BST 2012 This page is maintained by