filenames[0] = "/ummodel/data/tfmEm/standard_new_plots/tfmEm-tfmea_precipevap_jan.gif" filenames[1] = "/ummodel/data/tfmEm/standard_new_plots/tfmEm-tfmea_precipevap_feb.gif" filenames[2] = "/ummodel/data/tfmEm/standard_new_plots/tfmEm-tfmea_precipevap_mar.gif" filenames[3] = "/ummodel/data/tfmEm/standard_new_plots/tfmEm-tfmea_precipevap_apr.gif" for ( i = 0; i < nimages; i++ ) { photographs[i] = new Image(sizex,sizey) photographs[i].src = filenames[i] } function NextPhoto() { // displays next image in sequence if ( photographs[nextimg].complete) // otherwise we wait... document.cloudimg.src = photographs[nextimg].src document.cloudimg.src = photographs[nextimg].src nextimg = nextimg + reverse if ( nextimg >= nimages ) nextimg = 0 if ( nextimg < 0 ) nextimg = nimages - 1 timerID = setTimeout("NextPhoto()",timedelay) // timeout in millisecs timerRunning = true } function StopSlideShow() { if ( timerRunning ) { clearTimeout(timerID) timerID = null timerRunning = false } } function ContinueSlideShow() { if ( !timerRunning ) { NextPhoto() } } function NextSlide() { if ( !timerRunning ) { NextPhoto() } if ( timerRunning ) { clearTimeout(timerID) timerID = null timerRunning = false } } function PreviousSlide() { nextimg = nextimg - reverse if ( nextimg >= nimages ) nextimg = 0 if ( nextimg < 0 ) nextimg = nimages - 1 nextimg = nextimg - reverse if ( nextimg >= nimages ) nextimg = 0 if ( nextimg < 0 ) nextimg = nimages - 1 if ( !timerRunning ) { NextPhoto() } if ( timerRunning ) { clearTimeout(timerID) timerID = null timerRunning = false } } function FasterSlides() { if ( timedelay > 100 ) // no lower than 0.1 sec intervals timedelay = timedelay - 100 // go down in steps of 0.1 sec } function SlowerSlides() { timedelay = timedelay + 100 // go up in steps of 0.1 sec if ( timedelay > 10000 ) timedelay = 10000 // set a max. of 10 secs } function ReverseSlides() { reverse = -1 * reverse nextimg = nextimg + reverse if ( nextimg >= nimages ) nextimg = 0 if ( nextimg < 0 ) nextimg = nimages - 1 nextimg = nextimg + reverse if ( nextimg >= nimages ) nextimg = 0 if ( nextimg < 0 ) nextimg = nimages - 1 } function StartSlideShow() { // nextimg = 0 document.write("") document.write("
") document.write("") document.write("
") document.write("
") document.write("
") document.write("") document.write("") document.write("") document.write("") document.write("") document.write("") document.write("") document.write("
") document.write("
Click here to download version of animated gif version that can be added to powerpoint") document.write("
") NextPhoto() if ( stop_animation ) StopSlideShow() } // --> filenames[4] = "/ummodel/data/tfmEm/standard_new_plots/tfmEm-tfmea_precipevap_may.gif" filenames[5] = "/ummodel/data/tfmEm/standard_new_plots/tfmEm-tfmea_precipevap_jun.gif" filenames[6] = "/ummodel/data/tfmEm/standard_new_plots/tfmEm-tfmea_precipevap_jul.gif" filenames[7] = "/ummodel/data/tfmEm/standard_new_plots/tfmEm-tfmea_precipevap_aug.gif" filenames[8] = "/ummodel/data/tfmEm/standard_new_plots/tfmEm-tfmea_precipevap_sep.gif" filenames[9] = "/ummodel/data/tfmEm/standard_new_plots/tfmEm-tfmea_precipevap_oct.gif" filenames[10] = "/ummodel/data/tfmEm/standard_new_plots/tfmEm-tfmea_precipevap_nov.gif" filenames[11] = "/ummodel/data/tfmEm/standard_new_plots/tfmEm-tfmea_precipevap_dec.gif" for ( i = 0; i < nimages; i++ ) { photographs[i] = new Image(sizex,sizey) photographs[i].src = filenames[i] } function NextPhoto() { // displays next image in sequence if ( photographs[nextimg].complete) // otherwise we wait... document.cloudimg.src = photographs[nextimg].src document.cloudimg.src = photographs[nextimg].src nextimg = nextimg + reverse if ( nextimg >= nimages ) nextimg = 0 if ( nextimg < 0 ) nextimg = nimages - 1 timerID = setTimeout("NextPhoto()",timedelay) // timeout in millisecs timerRunning = true } function StopSlideShow() { if ( timerRunning ) { clearTimeout(timerID) timerID = null timerRunning = false } } function ContinueSlideShow() { if ( !timerRunning ) { NextPhoto() } } function NextSlide() { if ( !timerRunning ) { NextPhoto() } if ( timerRunning ) { clearTimeout(timerID) timerID = null timerRunning = false } } function PreviousSlide() { nextimg = nextimg - reverse if ( nextimg >= nimages ) nextimg = 0 if ( nextimg < 0 ) nextimg = nimages - 1 nextimg = nextimg - reverse if ( nextimg >= nimages ) nextimg = 0 if ( nextimg < 0 ) nextimg = nimages - 1 if ( !timerRunning ) { NextPhoto() } if ( timerRunning ) { clearTimeout(timerID) timerID = null timerRunning = false } } function FasterSlides() { if ( timedelay > 100 ) // no lower than 0.1 sec intervals timedelay = timedelay - 100 // go down in steps of 0.1 sec } function SlowerSlides() { timedelay = timedelay + 100 // go up in steps of 0.1 sec if ( timedelay > 10000 ) timedelay = 10000 // set a max. of 10 secs } function ReverseSlides() { reverse = -1 * reverse nextimg = nextimg + reverse if ( nextimg >= nimages ) nextimg = 0 if ( nextimg < 0 ) nextimg = nimages - 1 nextimg = nextimg + reverse if ( nextimg >= nimages ) nextimg = 0 if ( nextimg < 0 ) nextimg = nimages - 1 } function StartSlideShow() { // nextimg = 0 document.write("") document.write("
") document.write("") document.write("
") document.write("
") document.write("
") document.write("") document.write("") document.write("") document.write("") document.write("") document.write("") document.write("") document.write("
") document.write("
Click here to download version of animated gif version that can be added to powerpoint") document.write("
") NextPhoto() if ( stop_animation ) StopSlideShow() } // -->