Earth Systems Modelling Results
Bristol Research Initiative for the Dynamic Global
Environment with the University of Reading, Open University, and the British Antarctic Survey.
Model Simulations
Experiment: teuyL
A long description of this run is currently not available
Brief Description |
Fuller Description |
Total Length of Run (in years) |
Averaging period (in years) |
Spinup period (in years) |
CO2 (in ppmv) |
CH4 (in ppbv) |
N2O (in ppbv) |
CFC11 (in pptv) |
CFC12 (in pptv) |
Computer used for simulation |
Compiler used for simulation |
Date of first entry in datebase |
Date of most recent modification to entry in database |
GETECH_Turonian_5-alt |
This is the Turonian version of Phase 5-alt of the GETECH simulations (2x CO2). Continuation of tdzef. Continuation of teugL and teukL. Run created using spawn_phase5-alt in ~ggdjl on puma. This webpage entry created using spawn_data_phase5-alt in ~ggdjl/oil/getech_b/ancils on eocene. |
3000 |
50 |
2950 |
560 |
760 |
270 |
0 |
0 |
bc4 |
Intel_v17_0.1_bc4 |
2017_10_17_14_45 |
2017_10_17_15_07 |
You can access the means from this run, by going here |
You can access the ocean integrals from this run, by going here |
This page shows a small subset of images from this simulation. They have
already been produced and there are no optional choices. If you want to do a
more detailed examination of the model results, you can go to the
main page and select one of the Parts. This will give you full access the system
Last updated Wed Jul 10 18:14:26 BST 2019
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