Bristol Research Initiative for the Dynamic Global
with the
University of Reading, Open University, and the British Antarctic Survey.
Model Simulations
Experiment: temcv
This is a continuation of teadv except that (a) the mass of the atmosphere has been corrected to the same as the control. and (b) we are not longer using the salinity conservation update but instead using a revised waterfix.
This job is a standard version of HadCM3M2.1D (dynamic TRIFFID) based on tdaae. However, it has a number of small additions/changes. These include: (1) the dark_respiration update is included, (2) the orbital update as in FAMOUS, (3) salinity conservation is included, (4) age of water tracer included. One executable can be used for all time periods
The boundary conditions are (a) peltier6g, used in anomaly mode, (b) GHGs from the latest estimates, (c) global salinity is 1PSU more at LGM and scaled with sealevel for other periods (d) orbital changes via FAMOUS update (default is Berger and Loutre 1991)
Brief Description
Fuller Description
Total Length of Run (in years)
Averaging period (in years)
Spinup period (in years)
CO2 (in ppmv)
CH4 (in ppbv)
N2O (in ppbv)
CFC11 (in pptv)
CFC12 (in pptv)
Computer used for simulation
Compiler used for simulation
Date of first entry in datebase
Date of most recent modification to entry in database
This is the 21.0 kyr BP simulation for a new set of deglaciation BBC runs using Peltier6g and TRIFFID. Dynamic mode
You can access the means from this run, by going here
You can access the ocean integrals from this run, by going here
This page shows a small subset of images from this simulation. They have
already been produced and there are no optional choices. If you want to do a
more detailed examination of the model results, you can go to the
main page and select one of the Parts. This will give you full access the system
Summary of Results for Experiment temcv
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Strength
Depth of Max Atlantic Overturning
Latitude of Max Atlantic Overturning
Surface Air Temperature
Surface Air Temperature Time Series
Total Precipitation
Surface Air Temperature Time Series (annual means)
Soil Moisture in Layer 4 (Deepest layer)
Precipitation - Evaporation
Soil Moisture in Layer 4 (Deepest layer) (annual means)
Fractional Plant Stress (layer 1)
Mean Sea Level Pressure
BIOME4 with CO2 changed
Total Cloud Cover
BIOME4 with CO2 changed and anomaly of climate
Plantary Albedo
Warm Month Mean
Surface Albedo
Cold Month Mean
Sea Ice Concentration
Mean Annual Temperature Cycle
Stream Function at 200 hPa
Mean Annual Precipitation Cycle
Velocity Potential at 200 hPa
Vegetation Fractions
Divergence (Smoothed) at 200 hPa
Soil Carbon Time Series
Perturbation Height at 500 hPa
Meridional Stream Function
High Pass Eddy Kinetic Energy at 200 hPa
Low Pass Eddy Kinetic Energy at 200 hPa
High Pass Temperature Flux at 850 hPa
Ocean Potential Temperature at 5m
Ocean Potential Temperature at 2116m
Ocean Salinity at 5m
Ocean Salinity at 2116m
Ocean Currents at 5m
Ocean Currents at 2116m
Ocean Vertical Velocity at 10m
Ocean Vertical Velicity at 2424m
Ocean Mixed Layer Depth
Mass Streamfunction
Summary of Results for Experiment temcv-temca
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Strength
Depth of Max Atlantic Overturning
Latitude of Max Atlantic Overturning
Surface Air Temperature
Surface Air Temperature Time Series
Total Precipitation
Surface Air Temperature Time Series (annual means)
Soil Moisture in Layer 4 (Deepest layer)
Precipitation - Evaporation
Soil Moisture in Layer 4 (Deepest layer) (annual means)
Fractional Plant Stress (layer 1)
Mean Sea Level Pressure
BIOME4 with CO2 changed
Total Cloud Cover
BIOME4 with CO2 changed and anomaly of climate
Plantary Albedo
Warm Month Mean
Surface Albedo
Cold Month Mean
Sea Ice Concentration
Mean Annual Temperature Cycle
Stream Function at 200 hPa
Mean Annual Precipitation Cycle
Velocity Potential at 200 hPa
Vegetation Fractions
Divergence (Smoothed) at 200 hPa
Soil Carbon Time Series
Perturbation Height at 500 hPa
Meridional Stream Function
High Pass Eddy Kinetic Energy at 200 hPa
Low Pass Eddy Kinetic Energy at 200 hPa
High Pass Temperature Flux at 850 hPa
Ocean Potential Temperature at 5m
Ocean Potential Temperature at 2116m
Ocean Salinity at 5m
Ocean Salinity at 2116m
Ocean Currents at 5m
Ocean Currents at 2116m
Ocean Vertical Velocity at 10m
Ocean Vertical Velicity at 2424m
Ocean Mixed Layer Depth
Mass Streamfunction
Summary of Results for Experiment temcv-tebkv
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Strength
Depth of Max Atlantic Overturning
Latitude of Max Atlantic Overturning
Surface Air Temperature
Surface Air Temperature Time Series
Total Precipitation
Surface Air Temperature Time Series (annual means)
Soil Moisture in Layer 4 (Deepest layer)
Precipitation - Evaporation
Soil Moisture in Layer 4 (Deepest layer) (annual means)