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Earth Systems Modelling Results

Bristol Research Initiative for the Dynamic Global Environment

with the

University of Reading, Open University, and the British Antarctic Survey.

Model Simulations

Experiment: tdghu

A long description of this run is currently not available

Brief Description Fuller Description Total Length of Run (in years) Averaging period (in years) Spinup period (in years) CO2 (in ppmv) CH4 (in ppbv) N2O (in ppbv) CFC11 (in pptv) CFC12 (in pptv) Computer used for simulation Compiler used for simulation Date of first entry in datebase Date of most recent modification to entry in database
4x early Eocene, fixed vegetation using TRIFFID output from tddmj. For comparison with TRIFFID runs to test effects of vegetation and threfore Earth system sensitivity. 300 50 250 1120 760 270 0 0 bigblue unknown 2013_01_18_09_11 2013_01_18_09_11
You can access the means from this run, by going here
You can access the ocean integrals from this run, by going here

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Summary of Results for Experiment tdghu

Atlantic Meridional Overturning StrengthDepth of Max Atlantic OverturningLatitude of Max Atlantic Overturning


Surface Air TemperatureSurface Air Temperature Time Series
Total PrecipitationSurface Air Temperature Time Series (annual means)
EvaporationSoil Moisture in Layer 4 (Deepest layer)
Precipitation - EvaporationSoil Moisture in Layer 4 (Deepest layer) (annual means)
Fractional Plant Stress (layer 1)BIOME4
Mean Sea Level PressureBIOME4 with CO2 changed
Total Cloud Cover
Plantary AlbedoWarm Month Mean
Surface AlbedoCold Month Mean
Sea Ice Concentration
Stream Function at 200 hPa
Velocity Potential at 200 hPaVegetation Fractions
Divergence (Smoothed) at 200 hPaSoil Carbon Time Series
Perturbation Height at 500 hPa
Meridional Stream Function
Ocean Potential Temperature at 5mOcean Potential Temperature at 2116m
Ocean Salinity at 5mOcean Salinity at 2116m
Ocean Currents at 5mOcean Currents at 2116m
Ocean Vertical Velocity at 10m
Ocean Mixed Layer DepthMass Streamfunction

Summary of Results for Experiment tdghu-tddmk

Ocean Mixed Layer DepthAtlantic Meridional Overturning StrengthDepth of Max Atlantic OverturningLatitude of Max Atlantic Overturning


Surface Air TemperatureSurface Air Temperature Time Series
Total PrecipitationSurface Air Temperature Time Series (annual means)
EvaporationSoil Moisture in Layer 4 (Deepest layer)
Precipitation - EvaporationSoil Moisture in Layer 4 (Deepest layer) (annual means)
Fractional Plant Stress (layer 1)BIOME4
Mean Sea Level PressureBIOME4 with CO2 changed
Total Cloud Cover
Plantary AlbedoWarm Month Mean
Surface AlbedoCold Month Mean
Sea Ice Concentration
Stream Function at 200 hPa
Velocity Potential at 200 hPaVegetation Fractions
Divergence (Smoothed) at 200 hPaSoil Carbon Time Series
Perturbation Height at 500 hPa
Meridional Stream Function
Ocean Potential Temperature at 5mOcean Potential Temperature at 2116m
Ocean Salinity at 5mOcean Salinity at 2116m
Ocean Currents at 5mOcean Currents at 2116m
Ocean Vertical Velocity at 10m
Ocean Mixed Layer DepthMass Streamfunction

Summary of Results for Experiment tdghu-tdghp

Ocean Mixed Layer DepthAtlantic Meridional Overturning StrengthDepth of Max Atlantic OverturningLatitude of Max Atlantic Overturning


Surface Air TemperatureSurface Air Temperature Time Series
Total PrecipitationSurface Air Temperature Time Series (annual means)
EvaporationSoil Moisture in Layer 4 (Deepest layer)
Precipitation - EvaporationSoil Moisture in Layer 4 (Deepest layer) (annual means)
Fractional Plant Stress (layer 1)BIOME4
Mean Sea Level PressureBIOME4 with CO2 changed
Total Cloud Cover
Plantary AlbedoWarm Month Mean
Surface AlbedoCold Month Mean
Sea Ice Concentration
Stream Function at 200 hPa
Velocity Potential at 200 hPaVegetation Fractions
Divergence (Smoothed) at 200 hPaSoil Carbon Time Series
Perturbation Height at 500 hPa
Meridional Stream Function
Ocean Potential Temperature at 5mOcean Potential Temperature at 2116m
Ocean Salinity at 5mOcean Salinity at 2116m
Ocean Currents at 5mOcean Currents at 2116m
Ocean Vertical Velocity at 10m
Ocean Mixed Layer DepthMass Streamfunction

Last updated Tue Sep 24 23:03:31 BST 2013 This page is maintained by