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Earth Systems Modelling within Bridge

A Database of Model Simulations


These pages present as many diagnostics from as many simulations as possible, and all in a standard format to help comparison. The simulations have been accumulated over the past few years, and have been produced for a variety of research projects. They represent a unique archive of model simulations and a substantial investment of high performance computer resources. The simulations cover everything from the distant past Mesozoic era (the extreme warm climates of the dinosaurs), the very cold climates of the last ice age, to the present and predicted future changes (see full list of available simulations). To help in comparing and contrasting these different periods, we have been careful to ensure that common contour intervals and colour schemes have been used.

The pages have been constructed in our spare time and this service is completely unfunded. We therefore cannot guarantee they all work but we will try and quickly fix any bugs. Many of the plots are only produced when you request them and they can be quite big, so these pages are probably best viewed using a broadband connection. Once produced, the files are stored for at least two weeks so subsequent access can be a lot quicker.  The pages are best viewed at a screen resolution of at least 800x600 (preferably 1024x768 or more).

A guest site allows access to some simulations, and to limited functionality

For more comprehensive access, you will need a username/password. If you would like more complete access to the site, please contact Prof. Paul Valdes (p.j.valdes@bristol.ac.uk) explaining your purpose and which simulations you would like to view (see full list of available simulations).

The new web system (right hand panel) is now fully functional and is the recommended system to log into. The graphics are based around the NCAR NCL package and the scripts used to produce the graphs are downloadable. It has more variables and more functionality than the old system and is easier to maintain. There may be one or two variables that are still missing. Let us know if a variable that you need is missing and we will add it. Only use the old system if you have a specific need.

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Guest Sites
(no password needed)
Operational System
(password needed)

Access to the guest site
Currently not available

Simulations featured in papers

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